With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Wonder who buys them. Looks daycent value.

Yes, get rid of any and all tax breaks for landlords and tax all rental income and sales at the highest rate. Treat companies the same as individuals in this way.
Need to get away from the utterly spurious and self serving argument worthy of Fox News, that landlords are doing people a favour.


Interesting story on front of SBP

If the state had been investing in these cuckoo funds then there’s gonna be serious backlash from yoof vote

Fuck me.

Wow. Anyone able to post up the story?

Can we stop using the term cookoo fund? It’s a nicer way to say Vulture funds, which they are.

Don’t be fooled by goverment Spin. Those cunts have their noses in the trough too

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jesus wept, not a good look. especially in the husing minister’s constituency

It’s way more accurate and as insulting

What’s the difference? There was a third avian name for funds that I forget now too.

Absolute nonsense. As I recall there is a section in the Nama legislation about doing social good or something similar to that that Nama pays no attention to. It has been operating solely to maximise revenue. It should be a fairly obvious step for the minister to call in the Nama lads and point to that section and tell them look at that now, that’s your fucking job from now on and I want reports on how you’re going about it. I presume the relevant minister is the minister for finance. It’s probably not in his immediate interests to correct Nama on how it operates.

It’d be better to fire them all and get someone else in. If they are so incompetent as to not stick to their very basic remit.

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i dont think there is, and id be surprised if there was considering Section 11(d) of the NAMA Act

im not supporting that particular section and the govt should be trying to amend the NAMA legislation to hep alleviate the homeless situation rather than enriching international investment funds

its the same with active travel - all parties agree we need more bike lanes at the expense of roads but Nimbyism kicks in when its in your area

back in the day, people were outraged if a phone box was put on your street

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Well a cuckoo takes someone else’s home and stays there.

A vulture just feeds off the dead. These funds are not nessecerily buying distressed assets. They are just making a long term investment and de risking the sales process for the developer

It’s not the focus of their remit though, and hasn’t been. Their focus is maximum returns.

I had a look. There are references to protecting the interests of taxpayers and contributing to the social and economic development of the state. Those sections provide more than enough of a basis to shift focus. In any event the minister has the power under the legislation to issue guidelines and tell them how to fulfil their functions, fairly easy redirect how Nama operates if the minister for finance wants to.

which sections?

Ah fuck it art I closed it now. 2 and the one on purpose of Nama I think. And the guidelines bit may have been somewhere else.

Cookoo fund? Makes it sound like they are kind of stupid or idiotic. Which I can agree but picking the wasting bodies of youth trying to find hones is more closer. I think cooko is making it more humane to say they are morons not just sheer greed.

But look we know knownour national capital interest is also invested in these practices which is more disturbing. To draw a line any investment of goverment money post 2016 would be an issue. Pre 2016 there is an arguement to pump up the market to eliminate negative equity. Theres 2 stories here to consider the context. 2011 negative equity and overstock was the issue in 2021 its the opposite

I’m not sure you know what a cuckoo is or does pal

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