With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

To summarise, you don’t believe there should be landlords or a private property rental market - it should all be state owned?


Again, with respect, I fundamentally disagree.

Who’s behaving like a child? Were you accusing someone of having an I’m alright jack attitude a while ago or did I misread something?

It is widely acknowledged we have a housing crisis in Ireland. I don’t think that’s ok and I think we should improve the situation, and I will vote accordingly. There’s nothing childish about that.

Telling someone if you don’t like it you can emigrate is an awful attitude in my view.


Bit mad alright. I pointed that out much earlier.

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Now that’s an “I’m all right jack” attitude right there

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The absolute definition of it.

it is and if you find someone who has it you can tell them.

That’s all well and good but refusing to accept there are alternatives in the meantime and being outraged about it is absolutely childish.

It doesn’t have to be Dublin. There exists a problem where people think Dublin is the only option, it isn’t. This exacerbates the issue. Until such point your ideal is achieved, alternatives should be examined to help alleviate the problems, right now.

Burying your head in the sand is a perfect way to make things worse, right now

I honestly don’t know what you mean by any of this here.

Anyway, I think the housing market should afford people the opportunity to live in suitable housing. Note, I’ve not said dream homes and I’ve not said Dublin.

I don’t think FF or FG grasp that or believe in it. I also believe it’s achievable, so I’ll be voting for parties whose polices will work towards it. Nothing childish about that.

This is the childish part - outlining a possible alternative to your ideal is a terrible attitude? So trying to fix the problem short term, to make it better for people now is a terrible attitude?

No wonder fuck all gets done in the public sector. Now that’s childish

Personally I think that countries, especially wealthy countries, should work towards building an inclusive society that allows people to fulfil their potential.

I don’t believe emigration is a valid alternative to working to do the above.

I’ve only respectfully disagreed with you in the course of this conversation, you’re the one that’s getting personally insulting. Now that’s childish.


telling someone they’ve a terrible attitude for an argument they haven’t been making isn’t respectfully disagreeing. It’s being cowardly and sneaky.

Emigration and a mobile workforce is a way of the World. It doesn’t have to be emigration, it’s one of the alternatives to working in Dublin.

Professionals have more choice than ever before on where and how to work. This narrow Dublin only mindset is selfish and part of the problem

If a person knows Dublin is overcrowded, and the rental property is out of control, and they have a choice of going to Limerick, Cork or Galway, but choose Dublin, they’re adding to the problem, because of the Dublin only mindset.

We’ll agree to disagree.

I didn’t say it shouldn’t.

What I did say was people with multiple properties should be hammered.

You’re conflating things. I am saving there should be zero tax breaks before death - zero, none. Currently there are some.

State owned or heavily regulated and controlled by the state. At the moments it’s a free market economy which is why people with capital are driving first time buyers out of the market and and the rental market is out of control.

Bloody free market :tired_face:

Well hes not wrong about the detached bit