With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank


Mother is from there. A French lad came over in 80s and built these amazing thatched circle houses.

Bono and Don Cockburn and Sting were regular visitors when I was a lad down there.

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A couple earning 50k each a year would have net income 6k a month. Allow 1500 for rent. They could save 2500 a month if they were sensible. That’s 90k in 3 years. Plus 3.5 times salary of mortgage 350k…440k towards buying a place… If they saved for 5 years they could get to 500k

That is a good wage but not huge in Dublin context

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As a couple live on €500 a week?

Included in that €500 a week is car payments, petrol, utility bills, phone etc. I couldn’t do it.

You could if you had no car. There are thousands of people living on a lot less. I had no car for a good few years in Dublin

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A pot of boiled rice must have done @gilgamboa and the wife for the week


You’d get a lot of rice for 500 quid a week

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I love how it has a BER rating of D1. Better than most rental options available


Give up the booze and the fags and you’d live off fuck all.

I haven’t had an alcoholic beverage since November!

Well you would if you really wanted to save for a house

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Where are they renting for 1500?

Look on Daft, rent is generally starting at 2k a month. So that’s 24k a year.

So you’re then down to 48k for the year.

Run a car, possibly 2 if its needed. Anything really from 3-8k a year a year I’d say
Cost of commuting potentially x2. Probably 3k
Utility bills for the year. Potentially 3-4k?
Food/groceries/essentials. Probably 4-5k a year.
Things like health insurance if you’re not paying them you will probably be getting taxed on any benefits

People want to have a life too at the end of the day. Weddings, holidays, looking after those close to you etc are all things people do need to live a happy and balanced life. It’s tough to do that unless couples have money behind them and God help you if you’re a single person in a big city. A bedsit is probably like a paradise.

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Nothing this year. It’s great feeling super all the time.

I picked the midpoint of the rent you put up there kid “between. 7-800 a month”

Cager alert

Yes it’s tough. But if you wanted to do it you could. What you are saying is a couple who wanted two cars and a great social life etc couldn’t buy a house in Dublin. I’d agree with that

FYI in case you can’t find it

A room in a shared accommodation generally seems to start 700-800 up in Dublin by a brief glimpse on Daft. Any rental of a residential property independently seems to cost 2k upwards.

That’s a room in shared accommodation though.

Oh OK. So you want two cars and not share a house with someone. I agree someone who wants two cars, a good social life, and isn’t willing to share with someone for a few years would struggle to buy a house in Dublin

The car thing is relative. There could be a need for two cars.

I’d imagine people would be reluctant to share with couples. I’d imagine couples would want to be living with each other themselves for a while before making the plunge to buying a house. Would seem a bit mental otherwise.