With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Or the legalization of abortion if you believe the freakanomics guys

I was only in California for a few weeks but I couldn’t get over the amount of homeless there. San Francisco was incredible. On every single corner

That may have taken more time to filter through imho.

Genius move by the Government. Set up a ten year plan and Sinn Fein will be in charge when it fails to eliminate homelessness.


It’s very unsettling to see. You realise anybody with a mental health issue ends up homeless.

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I saw a lovely comment the other day online somewhere. Mary Lou had just objected to 1,600 build to let apartments and some headbanger underneath in the comments was supporting her arguing that building the apartments would somehow make the housing/renting crisis worse.

Fair enough replies another lad so I suppose to follow your logic if we demolish 1,600 existing apartments it’ll make things better. :joy:


Auckland is similar. Homeless everywhere in the CBD. There was a park near the apartment I lived in that had a bridge at one end of it and it was a mini campsite underneath it, mattresses up on perches just under the road above and the like. And they never bothered you, they were just something that, to your shame, you stepped over and around as you went about your daily business. As @glasagusban alludes to, I guess one thing is that there were worse places to be homeless, Auckland is rarely ever too hot or too cold.

This is true. It’s a scary place America. You’d be on a very thin skim of ice sometimes. I met a perfectly lovely man in a guitar shop who’s wife got cancer and he lost his house, and ended up sleeping in a tent. She died despite the treatment her insurance plan wouldn’t pay for.

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Christ. That’s horrendous. What a fucked up country.


It really is. As my uncle said to me, it really is God’s own country still, though the Americans are doing their best to destroy that.
PS it’s actually worse. He was in looking at the guitars, and went on to explain that he’d had a pre CBS strat, but had to sell it also. He wasn’t in a position to buy a guitar now, but he hoped to be in the future. A kind and gentle soul.

There’s much worse places and positions in the world to be, but in such a rich country so much that goes on there is unjustifiable. A fucked up country built on racism.

Did you ever try to talk to a yank about how fucked up their health system is? They don’t get it at all. Fuck you if you were unlucky enough to get sick basically. Cant be long before the daft bastards destroy themselves from the inside

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I didn’t really, just was talking to this lad, who was almost apologetic. I was waiting to try a guitar and asked him what he was looking for. It was a good few years ago, but I never forgot it.
Twas down in phoenix.
He lost his business and everything, I didn’t ask what, but he cleaned houses then, and was hoping to expand that into a business. I hope the road rose to meet him. A gentle man

I can actually remember his exact words were “ah, I’m not in a position to buy at the moment, but I had a beautiful Stratocaster”

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I can understand EOB’s frustration. I’d debate any man here but a lot of them run away when they lose the argument.

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You took a mauling in the “football” Vs “soccer” debate.

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Not true.

If I ever lost a debate I’d know about it. They’re like hen’s teeth.

