With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

20 billion fired at New housing along with 500,000 retrofits…



I saw that there is a scheme to help single people earning under 60k to buy their own homes. But only for Dublin Cork and Galway. Limerick ignored again

Houses are for nothing in Limerick, because it’s a kip.

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I better invest in the Tinder Gold.


Home of champions. Greatest city in the world

When lisdoonvarna back nevermind those Internet wimmin.

They did something similar with rent control zones. I got shafted our landlord increased our rent 25% few years back and we fought it down to 10%. The rent control zones were maxed at 4. Only applied to Dub cork and Galway at the time

I havent reviewed the proposals much, but am siding on the view of scepticism that this will happen to the extent they are proposing. Its all well and good firing a load of money into the budget for it, but there are issues with planning and delays, there are issues with costs of material and labours and there is already a massive shortage of skilled labour which shows no sign of abating.

Here is a few billion euros lads. Now we just need to get planning to be able to build, and then find someone to build it. Its a bit backwards if we dont have the issues sorted on the planning and ability to be able to produce.


A good chunk of the plan is already announced previously with the LDA. All the statements of repurposing state lands is in their remit and have been working on it for a few years. They announced last year a big project along the rail line near Limerick Station for a whole new neighbourhood etc.


Judicial reviews are fucking everything up. Loads of developers aren’t even bothering going for planning and the SHD scheme was a complete joke in the end with the planning being overturned.


I think this is a good article (or at least, this article corresponds with my view). That is that FF and FG will never solve the housing crisis because they will only tinker around the edges of it and won’t take on vested interests, SF is the only party that will have the mandate and the will to do that. What’s needed to moderate the market is the government to build own and operate a massive housing stock. We still don’t plan to do this. Instead we’re taking the classic FF approach of giving individuals grants to buy homes, I mean votes, without fixing any of the underlying problems.


I’ve gone to the stage where I can’t read any of his articles anymore. His twisting and distorting of figures and facts to portray his view is bollix. As I said previously, I’m cynical of this government’s proposal, but not for the reason he outlines. This need to remove private contributions to the market is also highly nieve. It’ll never be as simple as that given the supply and labour issues right now, never-ending the lack of expertise in local councils to manage multiple large scale housing developments.


I’ve been quoted 190-220 per square foot in Galway to build. No parking or access issues or anything. Would that be about right?

Builders finish or finished?

Dunno tbh.

The trophy home clique will have to confer on this


I sent him the plans and that’s what he said.

There’s a big difference. Builders finish doesn’t include stuff like kitchen, flooring, painting etc. Could be up to 100k in the difference

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Does this goverment plan include islands for all?

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Forever Islands

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A fella would love to be quoting you :smiley: