With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I’m not sure we’re really at the point where we need to do this, but we’re in a crisis/emergency, I see no reason why the government couldn’t tell builders what to build. If the builders are still getting paid the same then why not?

That’s fair. It will reduce it though which I’m not sure makes things easier though

I don’t disagree with most of that but I would suggest that the vast majority of householders weren’t cheering on price drops ten years ago or taking on board the argument that it meant trading up was easier.

There’s also a big difference between a price drop and a drop to the point you’re in negative equity. The latter causes all sorts of problems (and would impact in the first instance on those most recently on the ladder)

Just build the bastard houses

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There’s a big difference between the property bubble bursting at the same time as a global financial prices and the market moderating, possibly even dipping slightly in the long run.

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Sure. Suggesting the market moderating is the optimum solution seems quite a bit away from the “SF taking on the vested interests” rhetoric from your original post though.

they arent though. Any government funded works goes through the etenders process. Many builders wouldnt bother their bollix with it due to the competitive nature of the tendering process and also the pain in the arse paperwork that often comes with it. There is a demand in construction right now, so builders are taking the best projects and ones with less hassle. The etenders process is not all it is cracked up to be, the school buildings shambles with shoddy work and many contractors going bust in the middle of them really emphasises that.

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We were in for a house there. Didn’t get it. House went for €24k over the asking price. Ms Locke is gutted.


Yeap that standard now. Have heard of houses going for 50k or 60k above asking price.
And if you’ve a house to sell and you are bidding against somebody who is “chain-free”. Forget it

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Second hand bidding is brutal going of late…

If it’s an auction forget about it…

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Were ye out bid?

We were highest bidder on a house before. Still didn’t get it as the other (lower) bidder already had their house sold

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Where exactly one stops becoming eligible for a state provided house either to purchase or rent.

Chinese Vulture funds have no shortage of funds

They do have to take on vested interests to even moderate things. Vested interests of homeowners for example.

Sure that’s already set.

It was. Whatever bid we’d put it n they kept matching it within 10 secs. Bastards.

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Maybe. If they plan to do that then they’re being very coy about it. Lots of talk of funds, fat cats etc. A lot less about putting those who own a property on the other side of the equation. I wouldn’t get your hopes up

Is there any chance this move from the government will actually make cities liveable? Footfall particularly since Covid and even pre covid was appalling in both Limerick and Cork to be honest. Whatever about Dublin.

Surely we dont need to persist with more soulless urban sprawl?

I think we need to build up in Dublin, Cork and Limerick - its a no brainer.

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Cork seems to be more amenable to high rise. Or perhaps their NIMBYs are less organised.

I havent been following it too closely, but for me if you’re young especially you want to be close to everything.

We seem to have an awful problem building apartments to a decent standard in this country though. Surely we could go high rise to a decent standard that would suit a broader demographic then just young professionals too.