With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Online auctions are even worse…

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I agree. Look it, what’s for us won’t pass us by…

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Now, supposing the govt goes on a housebuilding spree, and makes below market rate homes available on a more reliable and widespread basis, effectively taxpayer subsidized. Should they be available to anyone?

That’s what they’re doing. And obviously not.

There’ll be no new housing schemes starting.


Its only going to get worse.

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Knew there was a timber shortage so ordered a few internal doorsearly and paid up front a couple of months ago. We got the notification that they were ready but builder wasn’t ready to start so we didn’t pick them up. Rang them up when builder was ready and they said they’d returned them to the warehouse cos we hadnt picked them up but they said they’d get them back. We got suspicious when we heard they’d found 2 of the 5 we’d ordered but weren’t sure where the other 3 were. Obviously they’d sold them again so I put the pressure on to get them to admit what they’d done. We got the email on Thursday saying they’d be ready on Friday. Got an email on Friday saying they’d been damaged in transit. I wanted to ask to see the damaged goods but Mrs Hunt doesn’t allow me to make calls when I’m a disgruntled customer.

We ordered windows from another company and they’re due this week. One of their fitters is out sick and we told them that’s fine, our builder will fit them. Their driver’s Mrs has now gone in to labour and they don’t know when she’ll drop but they should be still able to drop them off to us this week. :smiley: :smiley:

The landscaping works are more of it. Neighbours sheep running amok on the newly sown lawn because there’s a shortage of timber to put up new fences. Sent a message to the sound farmer that they were causing havoc. Mrs Hunt informed me this morning that there was another sheep on the lawn so I get the hurl and head out. Unknownst to me the farmer was watching as I chased one of his sheep with my hurl in the air Sylvie Linnane schtyle.


I think I speak for all when I say we all want to see the damaged goods verified.

Get on the blower

SF continue to sit on the fence while people need homes.

This is belter of a report on one of the objectors:

However, in a strident objection, Stoneybatter resident, Rob Kenny stated that he was “horrified” at the Bartra plan.

Self described TV & Radio presenter, TV stylist and PR Director, Mr Kenny said that the scheme is “obtrusive, intimidating and in no way fitting with the style or character of its surrounds”.

Kenny added later in his objection, “I have heard numerous neighbours say that with these plans, combined with the plans for the Infirmary Road developments and Montpelier Hill there will be no point in living in this area soon, which many of us love deeply and have put all of our money into”.

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There’d be no point living there if other people are also living there.

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Does the No 10 bus go through there? I remember being on it and commenting to the Mrs that we might be on the right bus but the wrong zoo.

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Wonder what market will be for these amongst private Joe Soaps - would ya buy a place that the lad next door gets for free

There’s no houses to be got so I’m sure they’ll be snapped up. Seems to be loads of people on twitter who would have no issue buying one anyways.

Good to hear. They’ll need to be very tough on any anti-social shite from the get go or these won’t work.

I think this is the lad :joy: :joy:

Tell me you’re from Stoneybatter without telling me you’re from Stoneybatter

I’d hazard a guess at moved to stoneybatter, as opposed to from.


Revenue is about to begin contacting 1.4 million owners of 1.9m homes to tell them it is time to pay the Local Property Tax again. Here is how to tell if you are liable, how much it will cost and how to pay it.

What are key dates?

You value your home on November 1, submit the details by November 7 and either pay at that stage in a lump sum or indicate what alternative payment option will be used.

The lump sum can be paid up to January 12 by cash, cheque, credit or debit card or, by March 21 by direct debit; monthly direct debits start on January 15. Deduction at source from salary also begins in January.

As of today I’m no longer a home owner.

We put our house in Kildare on the market in late March as the market seemed to be heating up demand wise while still in strict lockdown. Market seemed a bit irrational and favoured sellers. We had wanted to sell before the uncertainty of post-PUP payments kicked in. We knew we would be selling it was just a question of when.

Since June 2020 my wife and I had decided that our future was in Kilkenny. We’d either build there or buy there. Any time we’d drive back to Kildare from Kilkenny it was bugging us. Both our families are there in Kilkenny so all the county lockdowns quickly focused our minds on where we should be living. Selling became an obvious move when the market pivoted the way it did. Our house hit the market just before Easter and we had maybe half a dozen views and got an offer at asking price which we accepted in late May. Getting the sale over the line in the last three plus months has been tedious enough stuff. As was moving everything we own from Kildare to Kilkenny.

We’re currently renting in Kilkenny and will be for probably 18 months or so. The rental market is a total shitshow, especially as we have two dogs. We eventually found somewhere about 15 minutes from Kilkenny. Last week we got word that we’d been granted planning permission to build a house on my wife’s father’s farm just outside Kilkenny city. So with a bit of luck we’ll get that built in that time frame. Materials costs increasing isn’t great news but we’ll probably have to eat it to a certain extent.

We’re delighted to be home. Boxes everywhere, still unpacking and getting things setup. But in the grand scheme of things they’re good problems to have.