With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank


You’re some man to avoid the manual labour :joy:


Two bits of advice from different teachers I took on board and have served me well. 1. Stick to what you’re good at and 2.You’re good for nothing.


Buy a couple of wether lambs and let them loose on that for a few months till they’re nice and fat,kill em and ate em.Rince and repeat.

8 (eight) :grinning:

Even with a pandemic I’d be confident enough I could deliver 8 houses in three years, without the backing of any state apparatus and having absolutely no background in housing at all.

These fuckers own enitre landbanks in cities, control the planning process to a large extent, have the option of fast track planning, have hundreds of civil servants to call on and had €310m euro to fucking spend.

8 (eight) fucking houses


Eh, you hardly expect me to go building the houses for them, do you?

No need for the Electric mower, the sheep will crawl through the fence. :+1:

No they dont.

Fine Gael fucked that up with Judicial Reviews.

There used to be an extremely high mark that had to be held before a judicial review, after An Bord Pleanala approved a planning decision. Most planning decisions gone to Judicial Review has been overturned. Two Judges residing over these planning decisions are causing havoc.

So, the experts, a board, who have approved the planning of a development, are told that they dont know what they are talking about, or possibly due to the smallest legal issue, over timing of a bat survey, which both parties may agree on but still gets overturned. It madness.

Darragh O’Brien has also fucked things up with his last bill. Developers are now stepping back from deals due to his planning and tax measures.

Its a shit show.


its not 1950 mate, trees, shrubs & wildflowers badly needed


cc @tallback

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the real problem is the government has bent over backwards to enable vulture funds to profit here, even changing legislation to allow it and sneaking it in with covid measures.

vulture funds can now kick out people renting houses, if the developer or government agency has sold the debt. On no level is that correct.

There are families in the estate behind me on notice and with things the way they are, there are no houses in the locality for them to go to. It’s a fucking disgrace


You seem to be suggesting that people aren’t looking to get out based upon a screenshot of a Sherry Fitz Facebook post.

Why do the figures show that year on year private landlords are exiting the market in large numbers so?

I was just pointing out that it is a landlord’s market. Just because some people are choosing to exit does not make this not so. I’m not sure what your point is?

It’s not a “landlords market” for small private landlords (including the accidental ones I referenced). If it was they wouldn’t be leaving or they would be replaced by other small private landlords (See actual factual data as opposed to your gut feel or a Facebook post of whatever) That’s pretty much economics 101.

It may be the case that it is an attractive market for institutional landlords (who back to my Econ 101 reference and actual datapoint are entering the market).

But that only reinforces my point about the accidental ones looking to leave.

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How many are joining the private landlord market. If 17k is the gross number that left, what’s the net number with new landlords?

I suppose the number of landlords isn’t really relevant anyway, its the number of properties available to rent, how has that fluctuated?

Specious reasoning again. Do you think there might be other factors at play at all informing their decision to exit?