With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

You were. All because it required you do a bit of manual labour.

And your poor wife too.

I paid good money for those windows and doors to be delivered to a location of my preference. Had they not arrived with an attitude to work somewhat similar to yours I may have helped them unload.

You had them delivered to your doorstep, you just haughty at the prospect of having to do a bit of manual labour.

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You’re confused, again.

I’m not.

Remember the time you got confused with the application form or the term “breakthrough infections”? It’s happening again.

I’m not confused.

Might be worth figuring out while the prospect of having to do some manual labour had your wife coming out to intervene and calm you down this morning is all I’m saying.

Marital advice from Father Stone.

Nope I’m just saying that you overreacted to having to do a bit of manual labour. Your wife thought so too.

Probably best to let the lads supplying them, fit them. Otherwise if there is a problem down the line the supplier will blame the fitter and vice versa.

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its only Munster joinery shite, a trained monkey would throw them in

He’d be as well off leaving an empty gap there


Forget.munster joinery. He’s employed Fulvio Glazing: Every which way you try turn Mike, you’re met with more pane.

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The builder tried to sway us towards Munster Joinery when we told him of the waiting time for the ones that arrived yesterday. Tiler arrived yesterday trying to sway us towards mosaic tiles. He reckoned they’d look better. As if he gives a toss how they look. Apparently mosaic are easier to lay. You couldn’t be up to them.

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Are you building a new house or an extension Mike ?

Much left in it?

Not too big a job, just a revamp. Things very slow due to shortage/availability of materials. Luckily the builder we have is able to get lads on site as soon as the materials are in so no complaints that side. Getting the outside done up as well. The cost of outside would make your eyes water but it’s for the kids. We bought it for a song whenprices were low so are due some pain.


It’s a pain but Best money you’ll ever spend is on the house in my experience.

When the days are short and the weather is cold and wet you’ll really enjoy the work done now.


The back used to have two big hay sheds and overgrown leylandii trees all round. Used to close the blinds cos I didn’t want to be looking out at it. All clear now with new lawn. Looking at the robot mowers for next spring. New shed to go in as well with a games room. We’ll worry how to pay for it all later.


That’s just baiting the urbanites now


We have no island if that’s of any solace to them.

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