With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

yes the space is fantastic, however its an architectural abomination that looms over and destroys the seafront in its shadow

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Not in my front yard either

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fooley is the biggest Nimby on the forum

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I disagree but I suppose these things are subjective.

The real issue with DL to my mind is the old shopping centre - that’s the proper eyesore. Change that into a modern mixed development and you’ll transform the centre of DL (not just the seafront)


There’s a huge unused/underused area in front of the hotel there too.

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I think the hotel want it that way

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Very positive news.

Unfortunately a bit of a setback to those who think the solution to a housing crisis is opposing large housing projects


so, the addition of 1,600 apartments is going to cause inflation of rent in the area? I’m no economics professional, but how does that stack up?

and then,

yes, we have a huge demand. I know, the solution to this high demand is to stop building more units. That’ll learn those vulture funds, the foreign investors and other buzzwords for developers increasing the amount of housing units. We wont let them build and they wont make big profits.

Building single units or 2 bed units makes sense for a location like this which will have a big demand for them. Not every person wants a 3 bed house with a garden. And not everyone wants a one bed studio apartment. Blocking these because they only have one beds is extremely myopic. There is a demand for it and it will help those seeking lower rental costs but only have demand for themselves and or 2 of them.


1,800sqft for €1.25m

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I mean ffs they are doing everything to take money off people. The cunts

I read that yesterday. It’s searching down the back of the couch sort of tax at this stage.

Ta, already paid on the money the folks give to them and they after a cut more based on the interest that money would have earned?!

It really is something from a robin hood or medieval movie where the tithes just keep getting jacked up

As someone trying to save (and I failing more and more every week dur to prices) and who won’t get cash off my mother I am very jealous of people who can.

I can piss and moan but that will do fick all tbf. So fair play to them but this is some more gouging out of the goverment who claim to want to help solve the crisis.

Leo literally said a few years ago to get money off your parents as he did

Move back to Limerick. A lot more value anywhere around the city or county rather than Cark.

Its not like Cark has a whole pile going on either. Its a middling nightlife at best.

The people are fucking awful too obviously.

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Gas man.


Why would you pay 150k more for the same house in Cark though?

With the work from home option, its a no brainer surely.

Yerrah I’m suffering from the curse of St munchin here. Also to get the women up as well. Banking on lower housing costs in Limerick to do that. Plenty a good Limerick men have been stuck down here as we know

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Ah I know, I’m only joking mate. It is a fierce expensive housing market down there though for what you’re getting in comparision.

Best of luck anyway. The fact these days that you’re even close to buying is a good thing. Fairplay to you.

Not close at all but anyway. There is a big difference in the city’s but both are still too expensive. I’d rather be in the sticks anyway

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