With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

A Mayo roaster or two on the jury could be a game changer.

That he is. And the wife was head neck and heels in it too and with a neck as thick as a jockeys bollix.

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“Hadn’t have”

from the paper that brought you these doozies

The smart, ballsy guys are buying up property right now - Independent.ie

Trapped in a negative equity nightmare after dreams of city apartment living turned sour - Independent.ie


I’d expect nothing less.

Unless he can sneak in a sexual assault before the case starts Nolan will have him doing bird.

The past is a different country.


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Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it

I’d say house prices started to rebound the second we put pen to paper. What a time to be alive.

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I wonder how Shelly who couldn’t afford the more than €400 rent in Westmeath is getting on in the gorgeous houses in Sydney now. As bad as it is here, Sydney seems to have gone crazy. Perth is still relatively OK from what I hear of there, but not great either

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Ireland will follow.

Jesus christ mate. And we complain

Daft is what it is. Appreciation of money has gone out the window.

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1.6 million, bloody hell.

The whole story here is fascinating. A microcosm of Ireland . The lack of “due diligence” by lenders too

Australian dollars.
It’s only about 300k in a real currency



It is gas to see that in one of the least densely populated countries in the world

It’s fairly densely populated when you ignore that big chunk of nothingness in the middle of the country.


Prophetic. Soon be time to cash out @Raylan ? Snap up a few sites around Ballybay or somewhere.