With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Agree but even then it is still relatively underpopulated . Does something like 80% of the population live less the 20km from coast

I don’t think that would be far off. Maybe 30km.

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Cashing out is okay for buying in the convict plantations, but you’ll have to ride one of these out to afford a des-res in beautiful Ballybay

Daughter in Perth for years loves it but house prices gone through the roof
She’s been bit by snakes and a bloody venomous spider already
Snake in the mines spider in the garden
Both incidents were serious
Between that and great whites I won’t even visit

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Lauren’s google form not going down too well.

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Who’s Lauren?


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What’s she doing in Cork? Must be finished in UL now?

I’d imagine that’s the housemate rather than the landlord?

Right lads. I need to change my mortgage. I’m locked in til June but I presume it takes a few months to get my shit together. Anyone know exactly what I need to do? What sort of documents do I need? Any handy hints or tips? Dos and don’ts. Ta.

Stolen from BOI website.

If you are a PAYE employee:
  • Your Pay-slips for the last 2 months.
  • Your most recent P60.
  • Salary Certificate (a standard form provided by the Bank for completion by your employer).
If you are Self-Employed
  • Your last two years’ certified/audited accounts
  • Last 6 months business bank account statements (if business account is not with Bank of Ireland)
  • Other documents may be required if your business is not established for a full 2 years of if you are sole trader or self-assessed.
All Applicants
  • Last 6 months personal current account statements (if account is not with Bank of Ireland). Last 12 months savings account statements showing build-up of funds (if account is not with Bank of Ireland).
  • Statements showing your last 12 repayments for any existing mortgage held with another financial institution
  • Statements for recent loans that are now closed (if not with Bank of Ireland).

Additional documents that may be needed for your application.

  • Depending on your own particular circumstances you may be required to provide additional documents.
  • You may also be required to provide identification documents and confirmation of your address. This is usually a current valid Passport or Driving Licence and recent utility bill.
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Just go to a broker, they do most of the work tell you what you need & no charge as whoever you change to pays them.


Check and see what your own bank will do for you first. Legal fees to switch mortgages provider will be north of 1500.


Is that not a bit much considering you’ve proof of being able to pay a mortgage for however number of years to date ?

Sombody bump the ask bandage about mortgages thread.

We’re on a 4-year fixie (originally with UB, passed onto PTSB or whatever they’re called with UB exiting the market) and it’s up in September.

I’ve delegated the analysis, consideration of options, potential switch and entry into new fixie to my life partner, as she’s good with numbers and I don’t really understand it well despite working in banking since 2006.

It’s probably not a great time to have a fixie expiring, as rates are expected to increase this year. I think you can switch within 60 days of the fixie expiry date.


60 days before it?

According to my LP, yes. So if your fixie is expiring on, say, 30 June then you could enter into a new arrangement from 30 April onwards. This may be complete bullshit, I dunno. But you might get into a new fixie earlier before they adjust upwards again?


The trackerites could get cleaned in next few years could they? How high do they reckon the ECB base rate could go?

About time,I’m sick of subsidising these lads.