With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

It’s a terrible reflection on Irish society that the property market is the way it is, I can’t see how anyone can get on the property ladder now to buy an average house


This is very true

Shit lads. It’s pretty brutal out there. Good luck with it all.

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Please don’t leave us.

Could you come back to the sticks at all?

It absolutely boils my blood whenever I get thinking about it which is not unconnected to the decision to stop looking :grinning:. But this has been in the cards for years and this government and the previous government have sleep walked us into this situation where we are country that is seemingly awash with money but we can’t house our citizens. The planning process needs to be ripped to shreds for starters. We’ve seen what can be done with emergency legislation in the last 2 years and there’s no excuse not to treat this situation as an emergency. It’s not just Dublin either, friends of mine in Galway in the same boat have taken the same decision to stop looking down there because it’s the same. You’ve couples with upwards of 50 and 60k sitting there for deposits and combined 6 figure incomes and they can’t buy a house in any reasonable condition in a nice area.



Nimbys complaining against everything
No mixture of houses being built

basically, by a fluke of when you were born decides whether you can afford to buy a house


Nail on the head as always mate.

Paddy is a snob … not on my doorstep …

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Here’s value for money….

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@Horsebox could get a job off Quinn

Cross-border entrepreneurship is where it’s at currently. Own van desirable but not essential.


Developers see a market for apartments - nobody wants to buy an apartment to live in long term

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Is it not easier buy a property when you have a property to sell? There’ll always be someone coming up behind you who wants to get on property ladder and sees rent as dead money …

How so? If you’re dependent on a sale you’re saddled with additional worries and possible pitfalls.
The ready to go buyer is a gift, agree the price, pay the deposit and close the purchase.

The dreaded chain. In 2010-2014/15 it was a millstone to own a property if trying to buy.

But in this market it means you can bring more to the table as your property value is increasing.

I remain convinced part of reason for increase in prices is the money being released by inheritance to that generation of 3 and 4 kid families from 1970s. It’s first time it’s happened in Ireland.

A one or two per cent uptick in interest rates will see a few people who bought in last year or two in a bit of temporary 5 year bother waiting for inflation to erode the debt/salaries to catch up.


I would have thought for a younger person getting into the property market somehow through apartment to sell on to help the upgrade to house ? like if they bought apartment 5 years ago , selling it to upgrade to a house now would surely give them more opportunities than someone who’s been paying rent for same time ?

Lots of accidental landlords from 2005-2008 would beg to differ.

It can work if you time it right but if you don’t you fucked your self for a while

The phrase the property ladder is a developer/estate agent concoction aimed to sucker people in to bigger and bigger mortgages. Lads trading up to bigger houses and their kids nearly reared.


How quickly we forget.

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Like I said before , I can’t figure out how some people I know are buying houses for €700k+ and haven’t had a sale of property in family. . Then again people are living longer so you’ve probably got plenty of families who’s parents have two state pension and approx 5k a month coming in with no mortgage for the guts of 10 to 15 years since they retired …


If you read that article a journalist bought a 525k apartment as a “first step on property ladder”. Even if market didn’t collapse what was the second step ?