With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I currently have a rate fix offer from the bank. Should I be fixing for as long as possible?
I could probably argue the toss on being under the 80% LTV at the moment, but I definitely will be in a couple of years, so wouldn’t be automatically entitled to a lower rate then and have greater options in terms of switching?

With Irish rates already being high perhaps they won’t rise too much in the medium term?

I would like somebody knowledgeable to answer these questions.


I’ve four years left on fixed but wouldn’t mind adding another three. Is this possible with so much time remaining or can you only extend when your current agreement is imminently nearing its conclusion (like yours)?

It’s a lot more draconian than that
It’s akin to an application to join the secret service
If you’ve kids
Single parent
“ non professional “
Etc etc virtually impossible to get accommodation in Cork city

Stock up on paracetamol and sedatives.

We switched recently and went with a broker, incorrectly thinking it’d be less hassle. Including a middleman just complicates things. My last email to the broker was to tell the bank to pfo. There was an up/down in 2 payslips because of parent leave that my employer incorrectly included as unpaid but paid it the following month. The bank wanted all sorts from HR. The broker told me we wouldn’t get the last drawn down if I didn’t comply. I said I didn’t care. They gave us the money shortly after.

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Last time inflation was this high in USA interest rates were 16 per cent ……

The truth is that nobody knows right now but they’ll be able to give you a very definitive narrative afterwards as to exactly how things played out the way they did

She had the link up on her Instagram story Sunday, 800 for a room in Cork City with parking.

Assume the Saturday night/Sunday morning question related to preferred mass time…

I’m stumped about what to say to this story.

I hope the Sat evening/Sunday thing is a 2 Johnnies reference?

It’s like these lads that reclaim the tax for you, literally all they do is get all the information off you that you would have to give to the bank, and then pass it on.
Brokers don’t save you any work, how could they? They don’t have access to anything the bank needs belonging to you. Brokers are also tied to certain banks so may get you a worse deal than is available depending on who will work with them and what they will pay them. From experience most brokers know fuck all, about fuck all.
The only reason to work with a broker on your mortgage is some of the more niche players will only go through brokers, ICS and Avant are the two cheapest in the market but one of them will only work through brokers. If you qualify for a mortgage with either of them then they are by far the best value on the market. 1.95% for up to 7 years fixed. I think there are some restrictions around LTV and where your house is for these banks.

For me the longer you can lock in now the better. I’ve to wait till November but then I’m going to lock in for as long as possible.

The only thing is if Vlad causes the stock market to collapse they can’t really increase rates. Central banks have got themselves in an awful mess now really. Low rates and massively over valued everything. Very hard for them to raise rates and not explode us again

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I couldn’t believe how shit they were. I rang the bank up and asked if we could cut out the middleman but they couldn’t.

@funtime mate will sort you.

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Mortgage brokers are the biggest vermin on the planet. Right beside recruiters and real estate agents.

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And QS’s


Seems like You can’t pick up the business section of the Sunday paper without a story of some new foreign company coming in to the market offer cheaper mortgage rates … surely they’ll keep rates a bit competitive ?

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Are Avant only available through brokers?I see they have 2 in Limerick.MC financial in Ballyneety and Mortgage 123 in O Connelle St.Anybody know who these lads are?

I used a broker once. I’ll never use them again.

Clueless paper pushing simpletons.

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At least QSs appreciate they’re spoofing for a career

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Myself and my life-partner kinda gave up on home ownership for the foreseeable future today. Prices anywhere near Dublin are just spiraling out of control and every house just involves a mad bidding war. €400,000 to own a shit house in Clondalkin? No thank you.

Might do a year long, world wide trip to “find ourselves” instead, and hope this Russia thing collapses the market in the mean time


Same decision about buying a house here in the last few weeks. It’s gone from buying a nice house in an area you don’t really want to live to buying a shit house in an area you don’t want to live in in the last 12 months so easy enough decision really. What to do next is the harder decision. Staying in Dublin or even staying in Ireland are open questions now.


Same yeah. I’m being flooded with “you only live once” thoughts lately, given the young deaths of e-pals and actual pals recently, and am certainly not plowing insane money into a shit house in a shit area in a (IMO) shit city to anchor myself here for the rest of my life. Whether there is a viable alternative or not remains to be seen