With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

It’s sociopathic.
I said she could move into our gaff for free once it’s ready around Easter I think it’s that unfair. The landlord is stealing university life off them all simply because he can get away with it.


FFG +10

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You can see it on the roads every morning across Limerick. I’d say there has never been more students commuting long distances as there is no viable accomodation available across the city.

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The capitulation of Ireland, and most of the western world will be biblical.

Cunts all have a few bedsits rented out.

Fair play to you.

She could jump in with Hopper.

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He said he’s staying where he is with my folks til after the leaving anyway. He’d like to stay in university halls of residence then next year but we’ll see. I’m hoping we may be back on the sod by then for good le cunamh De.


The system worked and made sense 20 years ago. Different landscape now and its all about how much can the property-haves fleece from the property have-nots.

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Yep. And the shortage of supply has meant that they can rack rent. And to think we despised the tans for it.

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Sounds like he’s Air BnBing it too the hungry bastard.


And the FF Councillor wants to charge them €12 per day for coming to college by car :grinning:

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On top of €3 parking?

I mean you cant get accommodation, you have to fork out a lot of money for second hand cars, insurance costs would be around €2k for a student, fuel prices are through the roof and thats of you live in a rural area without decent public transport. The free third level educational is €2k if you dont qualify for susi. What hope have young people


I know an Instrument tech working below in Kinsale. They’ve been told there’s enough work in Limerick for the next 12 years.

It’s what happens when you put rent controls in when a place is growing. Anything that ends up on the market is going to be a lot more expensive. Even if there is supply the rents will remain high for a long time.

What’s the pipeline like in Limerick? I read something that residents in Raheen were losing their shit that their semi d utopia was being invaded by 4 storey skyscrapers.

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There’s houses going up alright. But the pent up demand is ferocious, and the economy is flying so more and more people moving to Limerick.

You used to get twice the house for half the price in Limerick vs Dublin.
I’d say it’s probably more like twice the house for same price now.
Still, lads coming down from Dublin thinking they are getting a great deal for a 4 bed house with a garden for 500k is completely skewing the market.

The council own a lot of the land for further development out the Mungret side. Well, what’s left after the sweetheart deal they gave Mungret GAA to expand their empire.

Friend of mine is building out an estate at the moment but I think they are close enough to maxing out the number of houses now. They’ve a few smaller schemes lined up but nothing major. There’s loads of space around Limerick and even the city center is practically devoid of decent apartments.

There’s a great looking “skyscraper” due to be finished in Q1 2024 but they’ve put a lot of office space into it which I think they’ll struggle to fill. There’s 37 apartments but they should have gone for another floor of accommodation and one less office.

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Returning Limerick folks? Population is still growing like mad from immigration but still Dublin increases as a proportion which suggests more and more foreign born folks as a % in Dublin.

GTFO :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: