With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

It’s a deal, it’s a steal etc etc.


The sale of the Mrs house went through today. The estate agents take some cut despite doing fuck all in comparison to solicitor - would have a look at an online option if doing again in the future.


In tanland you can haggle the estate agent cut down, but you need to be sure it’s worth it if you need them on board.

The steakhouses of Dublin will be licking their lips…


What percentage? We’ve to sell the home place. seems to some unresolved issue in relation to planning somewhere down the ages but weve the local Councillor on the case.


1.25% + VAT which I think was the best offer she got. Tbf it was a quick sale/agreement. Just seemed a big number when compared to the solicitor who had to do a fair bit of legwork

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Whats the vat ? 12%ish? thats a whopper amount on a house sale!

Vat is on the agent fees - 23%

Online crowd fee would have been half of these

Fuuuuck! Thats huge.

I took advantage of the €5000 off fixed mortgage payments with aib. €60 r so of monthly payments. I shall do the same in jan(max 5000 a year).


That’s crazy. I had my office only around the corner from there, a block over.

The city is fucked.

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Yep, must be absolutely no confidence in the place at all. Smashing looking building.

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Could you flesh that out a bit for me please? Sounds interesting…

If you are on a fixed mortgage rate AIB will let you pay an extra €5000(max)per year off it. Reducing your mortgage payment’s over the term of your mortgage. No penalties. Im unsure if other institutions are doing it.

I’m in that exact category. Never saw mention of it at all. Thanks a mill, will look into that.

See can you qualify for a green mortgage. See if the value of your property can push you into a lower LTV rate. It has likely increased in value significantly in the last 5 years.

Rate rises seem to be leveling off, but they’ll be slow to cut them unless inflation really starts to slow.

I wouldn’t fix for a long time. But variable by its nature can change whenever.

Banks haven’t passed on full rate rises because they are using savers money and completely screwing them on deposit rates. This is gradually changing and once competition in that hots up, it may force* banks to up variable rates.

*Or they might not make enough billions to completely overpay their CEO

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Or put 5k into your pension and get 40% tax relief.


I do that through my wages.




And you’d be paying €2k less tax and sure you could spend that on hookers and coke. Or your mortgage.

All depends on NRE and age I suppose.

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Great news, 1,500 units here that should start straight away.

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