With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Union Cafe in Mount Merrion - the old Kielys - shut in the last week or so. Owned by Press sup group they were sitting on planning permission to turn the site into apartments etc and it looks like they’re going to pull the trigger on that.

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Press up have sold off their hotel portfolio incl some undeveloped sites…made a killing I’d say

Yeah - I wonder if that was the trigger. Maybe freed up some capital.

They’ve an adjacent site where they’ve been building apartments since before Covid. Made a right hames of it and it’s still not finished so was surprised to see them start another one already.

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Taken them a while but good to see them moving from one site to another.

Up the road in Stillorgan, Kennedy Wilson are likely going to have completed 600 apartments between the “village” centre and the Grange pre Christmas.

Would be great if they could just move the builders to the Cairn site next door.

Steady flow of apartments now.

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Confirmed now that this will kick off. Great news.

The Irish Times continue to compare everything to Liberty Hall despite the fact that it has been overtaken in height terms several times over now.


17 stories isn’t enough imho.
I think city development should be banned if it’s less than 35 (actually I think 50 stories) and look nice.
17 stories is a bit vanilla.

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It isn’t city centre.

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“Egregiously overshadows”


It’s at the edge. You’d hardly need 50 floors everywhere.

It’s largely 2 storey residential in the area. 17 storeys will dwarf all around it as is

Imagine that attitude in Manhattan in 1920s.

Was there a lot of 2-storey redbricks in 1920’s Manhattan? :man_shrugging:t2:

Then it’s easy. You don’t need it.

Four story. Still a few about. Brownstones. I worked in one for a sparky. Iirc was three stories over basement. Middle of Manhattan. Lord only knows how much it’d cost.

You don’t though, that’s moronic.

There’s probably 25 ~500-1000 developments going on in Dublin right now. Heights max out generally around 15 floors.

There’s a load more in the pipeline too. You don’t need every building to be 50 floors. There are certainly areas that could but it is silly to suggest everywhere.


You’re stone mad for skyscrapers.

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