With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Erin Full.

15%? The foreigners must be raising standards


A lot to unpack here

That’s incredible. Huge if true.

I assume this would be covered by homebond insurance etc or the builders liability

Or its a load of shit and would be covered during construction with BCAR inspections. But its more likely foreigners getting extra benefits are to blame.

Like all building defects over last 25 years

Bloody forgieners coming over here taking our jobs we cant fill ourselves

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This has fallen through now apparently, does it have to do with the rail line reopening right next to it? Possibly.

I see new houses behind Foleys Pub in Crossabeg have just come to market.

€850,000 unfurnished.

It’ll be interesting to see how or if they sell.

Only ex pats the likes of @Bandage could even consider it.

You live on the South Circular Road, it’s a straight line

Was it not because it ran into the city boundary at the end which was circular?

I’d imagine SCR references the fact that it was a relief road for O’Connell avenue rather than its circular shape, it takes you in a circular direction.

Haven’t Eli Lily bought that site for themselves and have reapplied for planning for houses for their workers

I’m not doubting you, but how is that different to a million other streets

I’d believe it. They are buying anything they can get their hands on.

It will be interesting to see what the final bill for this one is:

Vacant D4 office building to be turned into 15 apartments (msn.com)

Lilly have big plans for that Limerick site. A lad I know involved in the commissioning reckons there’s about 12 years of work there.

For the Kinsale site, Radleys had brought over lads from the Philippines for the construction and had them all living down in Kenmare, about 90 minutes of a bus trip in the morning and the same back to Kenmare in the evening. There was a gang of them doing a similar trip from Dungarvan daily also I think. Houses couldn’t be got closer to the site.

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I saw a US company mentioned last week as one to watch. Sosring growth, they specialize in converting commercial into residential. Not an easy, straightforward process apparently

Can’t imagine what this US mob do is patented/ Couldn’t be copied.

Big opportunity there you’d think

Hard to see how it pays. You’d imagine in most cases it would nearly be easier start from scratch.