With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

When I was a kid we’d go down to Dingle every summer. Kilkenny to Dingle. Mostly by train.
Two ways to do it. Kilkenny to Kildare, change to Cork train, change in Mallow to slow train to Tralee.
Or get dropped to Thurles to catch the Cork train and same from there.

In 30 years nothing has changed.


In fairness, why would any civil servant or politician push major infrastructure?

You are on a hiding to nothing these days with the cynical nature of the populace and a media waiting to slam people for costs.


In fairness, you have to laugh after the weekend of videos of people at the festival moaning about the cost of living and the panel discussions with Rory Hearne. Sold out in minutes.

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Any decent politician isn’t going to worry about being slammed by the media.

They should push for it because it would things better for the people.

You seem to have a terrible out look on life tim.

These guys?

Because we invested in roads only, now we have changed the spending module

That’s obvious.

You seem to miss how I constantly post about the projects in the pipeline here.

But it is a very relevant point here on why projects go slow or don’t progress.

The Children’s Hospital is the prime example. Every Tom, Dick and Harry becomes a “fiscal hawk” all of a sudden.

Another one I saw this last week is a complaint over a lack of things to do for children in the city centre in Dublin.

Well one proposal that has been waiting over a couple of decades is the National Children’s Science Museum. Finally it gets through planning and it looks like the funding might be there and then we get a Prime Time show on the subject.


Local artists and residents complaining because it will mean their “oasis of calm” at the Iveagh Gardens might be disturbed. Mention of a few trees and a wall.

Then who backs the fall not to go ahead, only Mary Lou.


You can’t really blame them as people are rewarded locally for opposing everything.

The media fail to properly cover infrastructure. You will still see renders of Metro North from 2006 when pieces on Metrolink are posted & it always positioned as being for the “airport”.

to an extent, but at the same time, this isnt far off people who whinge about people who have sky subscriptions and gym memberships and if they didnt have them, they’d afford a house. I dont know, but would €1,000 be an average spend between tickets and whatnot at EP? But yet it wouldnt even be a months rent nevemind cover a months mortgage payment for a house or the deposit amount required. People should still be able to enjoy life and things and be able to have a home or save at the same time. Cost of housing right now is massive, and it is an issue for younger people in their 20s. Just because they are at EP shouldnt mean that their opinion should be ignored.

Our parents got houses for fuck all when they were younger. Our generation and most on here have also been lucky enough not to be crippled when buying or building a house. But I see it daily with people who want to build a modest enough place and its way beyond their budget, and not because they are being overly ambitious or want lots, its just simply the price of construction has increased massively in the past 5 years, on top of increases in the years prior to that.


There was some rail investment during the Celtic Tiger but very much secondary as you say.

Regarding roads, we actually got really good at building them by the time of the crash.


I wouldn’t agree on comparing a festival to a gym membership or tv.

It is basically a holiday.

There is a massive problem for sure and the concept of “fuck it expense”* is a big thing but it is humorous how that festival is being used as a venue to discuss youth poverty.

I don’t get the link. The ticket is the cost of a good microwave for the new house

So a microwave that is essential and gets year round use.

A festival would cost about €1k to go to.

Maybe a little less for the attendees who didn’t leave their tents there.

Tickets like that getting sold out so quickly in advance of a festival one year away is an indicator that things aren’t quite as horrendous as the vibes from there tried to make out.

It was nearly cancelled in the aftermath of the GFC and recession here.

Electric Picnic was in doubt over poor 2012 sales - promoter

They are horrendous in terms of the price of rent, the knock on effect that has on ever being able to buy a house, not to mention the price of houses. This is simply an incontrovertible fact and no amount of smug comments will change it.


People shouldn’t be allowed complain if they go to electric picnic because it’s a holiday it’s plumbing new depths of snide bullshit, even for Tim.


Cocaine use is symptomatic of young people having lots of spare cash.

I would say its a sign of deeply troubled minds, who are struggling to deal with reality and resorting to mind altering drugs as a coping mechanism.

I wasnt there, so I dont know, but from much of what I have seen the attendees arent confined to young people. If anything, it seems the majority seem to be later teenagers or college students, and middle aged people over 40. Thats not based on anything other than seeing social media and knowing people who went to it. So it being sold out or being popular I woudnt equate to spending from those who may be looking for houses.

I get the irony on complaining about cost of living while being at an expensive festival, but at the same time, people who want houses or want to live here and buy a house should be able to afford to have a holiday or got to a festival too and have a life.

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Is it yourself and tims imagination
Or have they finally found something worth living for?
they were looking for some action
But all they found was cocaine and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line

Even people on social welfare are allowed a holiday. There’s no irony, people may have to save a lot to attend these things. Tim would prefer if poor people were kept in indentured servitude.

I didn’t say they can’t complain.

I said that it is funny that this is a venue at which to express that anger.

I am also pointing out that Electric Picnic as an event (along with other festivals) was very much struggling a decade ago due to the economic challenges in the country.