With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Drug use went way down post GFC and is now well up.

Have nominal prices changed?

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Missing the point again.

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Lots of bits all over social media. Vox pops, panel discussions and podcasts about Ireland going on. It doesn’t just style itself a music festival.

Again, the point is that festivals like EP were struggling badly post crash. Hyperbole is rife in relation to Ireland.

Do you think that EP is their only entertainment by the way?

And I suppose the key point is if they are working hard, earning plenty of money but that money isn’t ever going to be enough to pay rent and save for a house, they might as well spend it somewhere.


To be honest, that is more a symptom of social media. What will get hits? Lets ask people dressed up at a festival about a cost of living problem. I’m sure lots of the comments are about the irony or the hypocrisy and thats great for the media outlets clicks and interactions.

EP struggling post economic crash is as much to do with investment and funding as it is with people paying money to go.

I’d agree on the hyperbole, it frustrates me to see people saying about how they know people emigrating to Australia because they cant afford housing here, yet the housing there is probably in a worse position right now. If people want to emigrate to have fun, have new experiences or to enjoy their youth, then fire away. But the thing of being ran out of Ireland because they cant get jobs or cant get houses, but go to Australia which is not some cheap utopia of cheap houses and well paid jobs is not the solution either.


Tbh while rents are too high, I don’t think Gen Z has the same problem that the Millennial generation did.

I wonder do the super rich want a proper train infrastructure. If it sorted the housing issue they’d probably lose a lot of money given how much money theyve tied up in property.

Eh. South Korea has one of the best systems in the world and also has high prices.

Off hand I think the population density is at least five times greater in South Korea.

Space will always be at a premium.

Young people should just stay at home in their box rooms and save. Never go out again.

Those young people that share bedrooms with siblings should only leave their rooms to wank in the bathroom.


Paddy loves to play the poor mouth while posting on the internet on his €1000 iPhone in his mansion with a kitchen island


Gen Z are drinking less than their parents too yet still can’t afford to get on the ladder

A lad down the road from.my pal in Galway just built a modest kit house bungalow. AAA rated with solar and all that but plain and simple otherwise
Build cost not including site 550k

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Why do you find it funny?


They have less extreme neighbours up North.


Lads should sell the 3/4 acre lawn to fund the Olympians.

I see this within my youngest sibling’s friend group. They’re resigned to never being able to afford a house so they’re getting on with enjoying their lives. Kicking the can down the road to a certain extent, I guess.

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Homeowners wouldn’t litter I guess.

Perhaps. Might be easier from an administration point of view just to give all the horsey money to the Olympians


One thing about this is I never even dreamt about buying a house until I was in my thirties. Didn’t even occur to me.
I wasn’t getting gouged with rent though. That is the issue here really and largely is simple enough supply and demand.