With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

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The price firstly, 1300 per room. And 40+ rooms per living space? I do t think the concept is wrong, if you had 8-10 rooms sharing space

The price is the price.

For a relatively large segment of the market, it is largely irrelevant. Dublin has a chronic shortage of corporate housing as well as student accommodation. This will not cater for the high end of the market, but a 20 something Friedrich over for 3 months to work will be happy to be there and their employer happy not to be shelling out for hotel rooms or an Air BnB (which are not secure and many businesses are not happy to put their workers in). Bills all covered too.

In terms of the kitchen, so what? Some people live in 4 bedroom houses with 4+ people with tiny kitchens. This will be a large one, but many simply won’t use it. Just like many simply will not use a co-living space. In this day and age people are happy to retreat to their room to go on their laptop or whatever. The concept of one TV and everyone sitting around is dead and buried. This is a classic case of people saying they know best with their outmoded way of thinking.

I fully appreciate the worry that developers will just turn to these en masse, but the planning and zoning conditions can solve that. There is absolutely a market for these sorts of thing.

Oh, memories. I reckon you’re fine @Juhniallio. I was only really asked once in the whole process by the brokers. We went to the shanty town office on the north side to meet them. This was very early in the process in early 2016. At one point one of them was asking about our financial habits. Our finances had been heavily sanitised for probably a year in advance. I had moved all my betting out of my banking and into Skrill a year before.

Anyway, the broker is asking about all kinds of stuff and he says to me:
“You don’t have an addiction to betfair or anything like that?”

I have this searing overwhelming gush of Catholic guilt flow over me as I look him square in the eye and dismissively say “No” as my heart jumps out of my chest. I scan him to see what he made of my answer and am hugely relieved to see he bought it and he moves on to other questions. Suckers.

Skrill is a bit of a pain in the hole. Paypal is the way to go I reckon.

I’m lucky iv my own patch and no noisy neighbours. I can’t understand how ppl are paying serious amounts of money to like beside a kids crying or a dog barking or a shower of regenerated cunts. Be careful. Sit outside the house for a week see what the story is.

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Give up that auld gambling lads, it’s only for mugs


Fair enough, the worry would be that it would be seen as the next get rich quick for developers, who would prioritize them. building them does little for the overall market or amount of available units if they are short term options that would otherwise occupy air bnbs or hotels.

Unless you got Spurs at 14/1 at one nil down last night to win the Champions League. Then it’s actual free money

Sure it is

It is once you lay it off. No way the Spurs are winning the final against Liverpool.

Everything helps in the round. We should be aiming to get college kids and young 20 somethings out of family home stock. Look at the amount of student housing where gardens are overgrown. It does not suit their needs but is putting pressure on elsewhere.

That clown Shane Ross was arm and arm with the NIMBYs complaining about the amount of student accommodation going into the old Blakes/Bondi site in Stillorgan. “Where are the family homes?”. The family homes are currently 30 plus year old houses in estates which are occupied by students. It is not an appropriate place for them.

It’s similar to the howls or rage about Tara Street for example. Lots of people screaming that there is no residential element. Why should there be? There are 1000s of businesses in Dublin right now located in sub optimal locations like Georgian Houses. Those are historic and in the core but they are old and not dense. Ideally we will get offices out of them and more residences in. The offices will only go if there is adequate commercial space for them to go to that is well located. For the last while the Dublin office market has been largely been 6-8 floor squat boxes built to order by large companies. It is good that there is a change in attitude now from the Government on this and they are overriding he morons on County Councils.

I actually think this is a horrible narrow minded view. If more people lived in estates joined to villages and not along the side of the road there would be much more of a community in towns and villages around Ireland. Local shops and pubs would benefit hugely. Also it would make improving public transport across the board much easier to justify and reduce the the number of cars on the road which would be good. The sewage issue is also something I’d have worries about going forward too. It’s something very noticeable when you visit the Cotswolds. Very little houses outside of the local village. It’s also aesthetically beautiful. Their towns always seem so vibrant with local markets and lots more people about. I also think if people lived in estates they would move back to the idea of living in a house that’s practical to their needs. You see these massive houses built on the side of the road and when the kids move on there a completely ridiculous size and a massive eye sore on the country side. I can understand if people build a house they never want to let go even if makes sense to do so but I do laugh at couples crippled paying back a mortgage on a huge 5 bedroom house, living In the middle of nowhere and having to finance two cars on the road to drive 45 minutes to work. Their only pastime is probably cutting the lawn.


And laughing at townies

Why not build 40 or 50 story office blocks, immediate centralization. These communal space living areas may free up some housing taken by students but often in expensive areas for first time buyers

That’s exactly what Johnny Ronan wants to do.

Theres a lot of sense in that, i actually dislike the sporadic building all over ireland. Theres nowhere thats not actually built on or fenced off. Theres nothing wrong in living in small groupings, but why not in small standalone houses on a street. The semi detached house building model is horrendous i think. Saying all that i long for a cabin in the rockies where you dont have to deal with others bar the occasional trip into town to trade pelts and visit a brothel


Are you replying to me here.

He’s a visionary, glenda knew

If you want to live in an estate be my guest. Iv pleanty of mates living in them and don’t give me this community shit. Get involved with the local gaa and local fundraisers go to Sunday Mass meet the community there. Norrow minded, says yer man dining in adare manor claiming he knows all these millionaire horsey crowd. Fuck off you twat.

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Lads building shite bungalows out in the middle of nowhere and then whining to the government about not being able to get broadband and the Guards clamping down on drink driving.


Yep it’s bizarre broadband is another problem. I don’t understand it at all.