With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I just hate being settled down.

You might be better off not doing it at all then? Why conform to societies norms if there is something else you want to be at entirely?

I’d say two years ago I wouldn’t have entertained it at all.

@anon32894817. If I could offer some context. I’m a 40 year old man. I spent from the ages of about 15-30 thinking mostly about having the Craic, playing ball, having pints and smoking joints. It was great. I had decent enough jobs for the industry i work in but it’s not known for stable* employment… I did a fair bit of travel, some of it to very cool places. I wouldnt change a bit of that. I married in my early thirties and myself and Mrs J were living it up in China. Champagne brunches, buckets of holidays and on the piss. When we came home In 2011 (Mrs J was pregnant) it all happened very very fast. Suddenly we needed to buy a new gaff and getting a deposit together nearly fucking killed us. And we nearly killed each other too. The only thing I regret is not saving the cash when we were burning through it. Not a cent. Fucking eejits. A couple of less holidays would have made a massive difference. Maybe only drinking 4 or 5 nights a week too.
What I’m saying is live it up. Enjoy every fucking minute. You could be hit by a bus tomorrow. But every time you hit a big pay out throw 20% into an account you can’t touch. When you do hit 33 and are looking to hit real life the 20 or 30grand in there will be an absolute lifesaver and you won’t have missed out on anything.

*not a horsey pun


Savage advice from one of the few good guys on here @Juhniallio

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Terrific, just terrific

Transferred a tenner into my savings on the strength of that


What’s the advice here? Save a few euro every month in your late twenties and early 30s? That’s hardly rocket science. If you’re not putting aside a few euro as you work through your twenties, you’d want to go and get your head examined.


Sometimes lads need advice but sure you’d never know if they’d take it. I heard of some lad that was buying a gaff on an industrial waste site in a falling housing market. Sure that sounds like pure lunacy but this fella knows best.


Unlikely that any part of that story you heard is true. Always question your sources :sunglasses:

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Here fucko, you watch your fucking step with me.

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Build, mate. If you’ve a site build.

They stress test your repayment capacity to decide how much they’re willing to give you. But it also cant be more than 3.5 times your salary. They look at your current monthly l outgoings and savings for that. I got a mortgage a few months ago.

I don’t know what the professional gamblers would do with the “3.5 times your salary” rule from the Central Bank but I suppose they’re just the same as self employed folks.

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@Juhniallio if you don’t mind me asking, what did you work at in China and how did you find it?

Long or short version?

Chaps, if you are buying then I implore you to shop around for the mortgage that best suits your situation. It’s gas that some us probably devote more time to INTERNET battles than researching something that will have a fairly substantial impact on our finances for years.

For example, AIB had the best variable rate but a pretty shit fixed rate compared to the competition. The lass there was trying to persuade us to take their variable rate anyway as it came with other features. These were things like option to defer start of repayments for 1 year or to take a 1 year repayment moratorium at some stage. They may be worth considering for someone who’s considering retraining or doing a post grad or something but we just wanted the cheapest option.



And in your own time, no rush

thats the issue there though, needing a site. Also depends on financial situation. If you can afford to buy a site and build, then brilliant. But if no site at hand and cost is a major factor, then buying is the most affordable way at the moment, despite the shitty prices out there. It’s not a great market currently, demand far outweighing supply.

Do you deal direct with the lenders or go through a broker in Ireland?

What the fuck is your problem?