With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Next person who says they are a bigger pacifist than me better know how to use their fists.


Some lads must spend 3 or 4 hours of their day reading posts or posting replies on TFK. A bizarre mentality.

Yeah, the silly bastards should be upping it to 6 or 7 hours minimum.


The rent in Dublin right now is insane. I have it relatively cheap at the moment, but I’m sick of it cos I’m living in a kip with the missus (who I’m also getting kinda sick of). I had a look on daft.ie the other day and it was frightening. How anyone who isn’t a high flying accountant/businessman/tfk type is supposed to afford these places is beyond me.

The key to a calm and anxious free life. Enjoy it.

This is the cost of living the dream

I changed jobs/company early in the year. Gone from 5 hours of Skype meetings and getting 100+ emails a day and phone calls any time day or night seven days a week to around 200 emails a week and straight 9 to 5.

While I enjoyed it at the time and it has stood me in good stead I will never work for another company which has Indian senior management.



Some :shower: of cunts alright.

I went the public sector route, took a hit on wages but I can be in work in 20 mins.

Its a fucking basket case of a place at times but I don’t miss the late night conference calls and managing a hape of lads in another continent who needed a Cody but got a Derek Mcgrath.


AIB have Haven, essentially what was the old EBS, that does their broker business. Id say there is a lot more ‘flexibility’ through that route


Good to see you back, pal.

We went through Haven back in the day with a broker back in the day. The man was a wizard for the approval he got us

Did you read Shakespeare to them when deadlines were missed?

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Aib’s 5 year fixed rate is 2.85%. I don’t think you’ll get much better than that🤔

Timing, my dear friend. Their 5 year fixed was 3.something% when we were looking, possibly 3.3% compared likes of UB and KBC being around that 2.8% / 2.85% mark. Think UB had a lower 3-year fixed rate again.

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What’s your opinion on BOI’s 10 year fixed mortgage? I was thinking of going with it last year for 50% of the mortgage but ended up with another Bank. Think it was around 3.5% at the time.

UB 2.3% fixed for 2 years is still the best available out there.

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I can tell you now that you would struggle to get 4.5 times your salary in the UK.
You’d want to be a Saint.

2 Years puts you exactly into the time period where rates are supposed to rise again though. Although they’ve been saying that for years now.
My 3 year fixed is up in November and if it’s in anyway reasonable I will be fixing for ten years, or as long as I can. Interest rates can’t stay here forever, no matter what, or we are absolutely goosed in the next recession. But it looks like they’ll be low for a few more years at least. Brexit has been great for mortgage holders.
Be interesting to see how much lower Irish banks can go. They are still at least 1% higher than most of Europe but we still have a lot of issues here in terms of arrears and the fact that the bank basically can’t repossess your house.

I think I can summarise your take on the future of interest rates like this:
