With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I’ll not take life advice from a 14 year old Freud who’s never worked a day in his life, has never had responsibility for anything or anyone and probably had behavioural issues as a kid. ADD would be my guess.


You are so narrow minded it’s unbelievable. You keep screaming people pay rent for me and I’ve never worked. It’s bizarre. You are having another meltdown after your stupid comment yesterday.

It was only 10% for me because I’m a first time buyer

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With respect going 48 hours without sleep because you’re so off your face on coke and throwing down huge bombs on online horseys and boasting about it to strangers on the INTERNET is not a sign of great maturity.

Neither is saying that Solskjaer will win the PL within 3 years.


KEV?? Is it really you?!?


Well my friends always tell me I’m mature for my age.


We should all have chances to go on blow outs. Every six weeks or so. For some jts drugs, some it’s golf and some it’s drinking. That’s good for you. I learned that from suspended poster @anon98850436



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Absolutely agree. I’m teeing off in just over an hour and Mrs J just rang to tell me that I might think of sleeping in my folks house !


I’ve a lot serious TFK posting to do along the lines of “Tanks kid in Brazil” but I can’t find the time.

How accepting will my new gf be of my casual drug use? So much going on in my life it’s fucking ridiculous. Off the wall shite.

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A mate of mine got a Brazilian lady pregnant some years ago but she lost the child due to her drug abuse

I should put you in touch with him

When I was a young man I had a passionate night with a Finnish lady who was more mature than I at the time. We met in the Budda Bar in Blanchardstown and headed back to a room I rented in a house share.

It was one of my first sexual encounters without a rubber johnny so John Thomas spewed his guts very, very early into proceedings. Through slight of hand, furious pumping and youthful exuberance I managed to keep the show on the road and finished again at a perfectly acceptable duration for intercourse.

No names, numbers or contacts exchanged hands the next morning in a very awkward goodbye. Perhaps out of her politeness. Certainly not out of mine.

Needless to say if I got a knock on the door from an adult, Finnish member of the Sexfaces, I’d have some serious explaining and losing to do

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Good stuff. There are some lads I know and their idea of a “wild night if passion” is watching the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

It would be ironic if your valiant battle to finish produced an unwanted Finnish person


Apologies for offending your sensibilities mate. I know these things are difficult for you. It’s done now though and can’t be undone

Lads, lads, lads… There’s no one way to live life. Fuck up.


This place is fucking nuts. Lads would literally argue about anything.

No they wouldn’t. Fuck up.