With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

An affordable rate.

That is true. And so scoffing at a generation that haven’t had your luck is pretty poor form in my opinion.

His point is correct. The first time I left Ireland apart from the ferry to England to visit relatives (which I hated) was to go on a school exchange to Brittany aged 16.
There was one lad in our school went on a foreign holiday ever that I can remember.
Do you rent out your house?


I do rent out my house, unfortunately. I was extremely lucky to be able to buy it when compared to my peers. I don’t see how that’s relevant to the broader point. I also don’t see how whether you or anyone else went abroad is relevant to the generation gap in housing either.

It is a simple fact that there is a current younger generation that have been utterly screwed on housing. They’ve been locked out of ownership and they’re being screwed on rents.

There’s the original point that I responded to.

My broad and simple point is that it’s ridiculous, wrong and pretty cuntish to attempt to blame the generation that have been screwed on housing for the situation they find themselves in. Particularly when it is entirely the fault of the generations that went before them.

I don’t see why people can’t acknowledge that as a simple fact. Me, you and Massey were very lucky. There is an entire generation that have not been as fortunate. Blaming or scorning them for their situation, which is not of their making, from a position of privilege is not really on in my book

Fellas will be giving houses away after this mess. All the Airbnbs are worthless now the tourism industry has been nuked

Tourism will take a huge hit, but will be back in a small way at least by the second half of summer.

Ain’t gonna need this house no longer
Ain’t gonna need this house need this house no more
Ain’t got time to fix the windows
Ain’t got time to fix the floor

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I’m sure you’re charging significantly lower than market rates.


The homeless numbers only dropped a couple of hundred if even though since the C-19 emergency

I am. It’s still not cheap.

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Do you charge the market rate?

Especially if they have to share with you.

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There’ll be a lot of office space left idle as well, some of which could be converted to apartments. I think I’ll buy five gaffs when we’re let loose again.

Glas is happy extorting poor foreign students, but unhappy that someone pointed out that we usent have foreign holidays back in the day, nor phones, nor new clothes.


Posh cunt on your school exchange


Ps I don’t blame or scorn anyone. I think it’s frankly fucking outrageous what fg have allowed to happen to the housing market since the crash. They should be eviscerated for it, but no, leo, like Boris reads an autocue well, and they and there policies of fuck everyone else are here to stay another while yet. But then that policy was happily rolled out by multiple groups, teachers etc.
I’m not a slumlord either.

It was the bish mate. Not that posh at the time. Bus and ferry to lorient for a week.

Can you explain how this is relevant to the fact that a generation of people have been screwed on housing?

It isn’t, but what is relevant, is you say I’m lucky, and I am,but I bought my first house at 32. It didn’t even occur to me to get one in my 20’s. Nor did it occur to me to rent a whole house. Renting odd rooms off lampposts here and there was all I expected. Lots of people these days seem to think they have a right to buy a house in their early 20’s.
This has nothing to do with rents being extortionate.
In any case, I agree, it is scandalous that FG haven’t addressed the housing issue.

No, I don’t think they do. And I’m not trying to be smart with you here, but I think you greatly misunderstand the situation if this is what you have taken from discourse. I’m 35, and I’ve been lucky. Most of my peers, many earning more than me, have simply little to no hope of buying a property. Rent has a lot to do with it, how do you save a deposit while paying extortionate rents. No one lives on their own either, a big difference to other countries, it’s unaffordable. The generations that went before them could buy, they may have had other hardships but by and large affordable housing was attainable. After that the ladder was pulled upand the younger generation were screwed. And for some reason you’ve some of the people who got lucky calling the people who got screwed snowflakes, entitled and cunts because they have the temerity to point out that they’ve been screwed on housing.

I don’t see why people can’t acknowledge the simple fact that a generation of people have been screwed on housing. I don’t know why they feel the point out they didn’t have new mobile phones in their day, it’s irrelevant.