With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

He’d be able to get a house with a back kitchen, might just swing it.

The only time he’ll see Wexford is at Xmas,Easter a week during the summer and maybe the October bank holiday.


It’s absolutely incredible the size and kit out of bogmens houses these days. You’d see it on property type shows and the likes of operation transformation. Big mtv cribs type jobs. Islands and utility rooms agogo.

I can’t see one possible drawback to Julio geordios idea. Why the fuck isn’t it happening already??

Country folk work hard to own these houses.We don’t rely on handouts from the government.They also need serious up keep which your average townie wouldn’t be able for.


The first part makes no sense but the second part is true in fairness. Yere kids are all going to turn out little posh spoiled cunts growing up in mansions though

The exact opposite will be true mate.

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Can you get posh muldoons?

The resentment on here to lads being able to build their own houses on an acre of land is unrale.


Had to get up early to work on a college assignment. Sitting at the island, having a coffee and looking out the oversize sliding door at my acre garden out the back.


All joking and insane jealousy aside what’s the point in ye all having these massive houses and gardens? Are they not a bit of a pain in the hole to heat and clean.
It’s crazy the difference in size between an average one off house built in the 70s or 80s and a modern one.

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There’s nothing quite like it. Lads paying 100k or 200k more for shitboxes in dumps like Nass or Swords. The mind boggles.

To the corona virus and the move to WFH.


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It was very good of you not to mention the quartz. That would drive some of them demented.

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You do though. Services for country folk are essentially subsidised by people in urban areas.

I’d be surprised if they didnt ask for a chartered building surveyor or engineer to do it. Shouldnt be that expensive.


will give you a list of registered building surveyors. not sure where you are based, but if you want a Leinster based recommendation, send me a PM.

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I’d expect something for the nearly 50% tax I pay mate.

You expect a subvention from your fellow tax payers?

@Bandage - some horrific cheap barbs in your direction here

@TreatyStones - a granite worktop is great for studying on i find


This is the way forward.


For the planet first and foremost

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