With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I miss pedaling my bike to work


You’ll have to get on the peleton bandwagon

Seems boring tbh. You need the fresh air

True, how fresh is the air cycling in traffic though are you not just ingesting fumes

You can avoid the worst of the by going through east wall and up the quays

Also now if go by the coast which is mainly SEGREGATED bike lanes

Very good. Just be careful in case elderly drivers from Waterford in the area might get confused by the markings and plow people out of it



Does this extension of the help to buy scheme to 30k or 10% just allow people outside of the main urban areas to just buy houses or apartments without any real deposit?

The return of 100% mortgages in just another guise

An effort to boost demand and keep FF developers happy in the face of PLUMMETING house prices in the next year.

Funded by the taxpayer.
When is it finally going to occur to the cretins in the dail that the housing crisis will be solved by building sensibly, obviously (so people stop panicking and worrying about an ever escalating bottom rung), and with some rigour in planning, enforcement, funding and facilities.
Its a worrying medium term imho. Rents are astronomical anywhere near major sources of work (multinationals by and large), which have to increase wages to compensate. Currency is locked in across the EU. At some point, another EU state will tax plan more efficiently for the MNC’s, who will be drawn by better weather, mainland links, genuine multilingual locals, and significantly cheaper wages. We are chicken and egg between rents driving wages, and wages driving rents. Workers are getting preyed upon, but it won’t pass unnoticed. The novelty of Ireland Inc will wear off, and it could all get messy enough.
There are sites on the outskirts of Galway now selling for 450000 euros, considerably higher than Celtic tiger levels.

Yeah, will the banks be picky about giving mortgages to people without real deposits I wonder. I doubt it

I know a couple of people who were sitting on approval and hit trouble with drawing down cos they were temporarily on Covid payment. Plenty of reports in papers of banks refusing to approve people on the payment. We’ll see i suppose. Certainly a buyers market now.

The only thing keeping Ireland Inc afloat is the tax rate. Ireland isn’t a cheap location for the reasons you cite. There is no language advantage anymore. I remember when Xerox offshored work from Ireland some years ago 70% of the workforce were non nationals.

I was approved a few weeks back. Thankfully neither my pet or my employment were impacted by covid and we are even more lucky that covid fast tracked our savings. I have little interest in even looking to put down a deposit until next year until things shake out a bit more. While on one hand the extension is good as it is 10k back in my pocket it will also drive an artificial demand too to ensure prices don’t drop too much I assume.

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I figured there’s no language advantage, and the educational advantage had probably gone too. Certainly Poland seems to have a highly educated youth.

It won’t over cook the market as it’s only first time buyers. Have they extended the tax reclaim period beyond the 5 years? That limits alot of people too.

No assume it is still the previous 4 years.


Where you moving to?

If you are a fan of streets just for VRUs I’ve just the place


Not only. You could set up an operation in someplace like Braga in Portugal nowadays and get all the languages for half the price.

I shan’t be leaving fair Fingal, pal. My heart belongs to it now