With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

The buyers are out in force in the south east riviera. Houses are moving briskly. The only impediment being our good pals in the pillar banks pulling mortgage approval for people on the TWSS.

How many years back is it measured on? As in you have to have paid the figure you’re looking to claim in taxes over the preceding years…

Ok, just saw this.

Uber sent their sales force out of limerick to Portugal

There you are

I hear it’s a cunt of a place to work anyway, can’t keep staff which might be part of the reason


You realise the scheme is for new builds only? So unless what you buy has never been lived in and is span new then you aren’t eligible for €30k back.

Yes well aware of it.

If you’re building a house you qualify too.

Free money for everyone and they laughing at the SF money tree

Is there something whereby you also only get it if your loan to value ratio is above 70%? @Big_Dan_Campbell. So let’s say a fella was building a house costing 250k for argument sake but had 125k to put down as deposit. His loan to value rate is 50% so therefore in that hypothetical situation he would not be eligible.

You could always just not put down that amount. Mortgage is the cheapest money you’ll ever get. Better off with the rest in the bank or ideally investing a portion

Yes, but if he had a brain he’d take out the 70% mortgage and in a few years dump the balance in savings off the mortgage.


I’ll be buying a house soon please god and I’ll be putting down as much as I can as deposit. I know what you’re saying but I prefer the option to take a shorter term.

I get the natural inclination to have lower debt. It’s not financially the right decision, but it’s easy say that and then market drops by 50% and you feel a mug. But long term it would still pay off.

You buying rural?

What’s the average price of a gaff in Malahide, 450k? So you get up to 30k back on your deposit?

Rural yeah. The market is at a snail’s pace this year.

Thankfully we were able to move as everyone here knows 8 weeks ago tomorrow the house had an F BER rating and our new heating system got up and running yesterday new windows installed today and on Monday we are having the attic and exterior walls insulated. We are wondering after today’s stimulus package announcement whether we can claim back anything in this retrofit grant for old houses? Obviously we will be paying for the work done over the next few weeks but I thought I saw something about September for the grants?


I was looking earlier and there was a 2 bed for 550k on the street. A friend of mine bought a house recently and it was around 650k for a three bed a little bit outside the village.

I dunno would you get much in and around malahide for less than 500k.

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