With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Only a matter of time. Or insurance. Both those companies could throw hundreds of millions into a start up.

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Irish banks have to hold a lot more expensive capital than EU peers due to the volume of losses from the last crisis. And you can’t have failed to notice that there is a national aversion to enforcing repossessions with the likes of the O’Donnell family and the ould lad in Castlerea gaining support

They could get Sean Quinn on board as an advisor


Dream time matching capital with business acumen

Its on the way for revolut

Insurance is mental because people look on it as they do the lotto. A judge awarded a woman twenty five thousand euros. (25000) for cutting a tiny wound into her finger, because the owner of a business couldn’t demonstrate that he’d sent her on the correct training course in how to dry a cup with a towel.
Not a hint of opprobrium.
Awards in Ireland for whiplash, which doesn’t exist as a diagnosis in sensible countries at all, are roughly four times higher than the UK.
The minister in charge of this was caught red handed lying on her claim, and no criminal action was taken against her.
It’s fcuking mental.
Glas has a very short memory, but it’s not long since that a Dutch mortgage lender left the marketplace citing lack of any ability to quickly foreclose as a primary reason.


It will boil down to supply, as always — but it’s about time the Irish cartel had some competition …

Are these the Spanish crowd who last year were said to be partnering with the Post Office to offer loans/ mortgages, ? Is that still their plan?

Ah shtap


I saw one of founders/early hires of LinkedIn speak a year or two ago. He explained why they sold to Microsoft - all 26 billion reasons. He said there were six companies in the world


Who had the cash to develop what consumers demanded. He said the likes of amazon could by shifting slightly into an another area wipe out all operators without even meaning to do that. Said the daily price increases of these companies were often bigger than markets caps of many decades old big brand companies. Antitrust had got involved when oil companies were a fraction of this size and now it was probably too late.

Facebook is now one of the biggest property owners in America.



Interesting. Do you have any data on the length of time it takes and how many have applied and how many are currently in the queue?


Didn’t a German crowd get refused a few years back?

No no - that’s just hearsay. The real problem is that there is a queue of European financial institutions who see the money being made on mortgage books in Ireland by the cosy monopoly and will be along shortly - they’re just being delayed in doing so by the Central Bank (and I suppose it goes without saying, shadowy political figures)

Actually I was just linking in with @glasagusban about this - he was going to send on some data on the number of companies applying.

I don’t have it to hand funnily enough I’d have to spend time looking it up.

I’m not sure. Interesting if they did - what did they get refused for?

Good news about this Spanish crowd - every bit helps.

I’m not sure mate… Financial/economic matters bore me…

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Helps who?
The landowning classes.
Paddy got rid of the protestant ascendancy and replaced it with his own.


Question for lads. Do other countries have “the property ladder” in their lexicon. Is it an Irish myth that was perpetuated in early 2000s to lure people into ever increasing debt. I’m not sure it existed as a concept before then.

no - now unless it has changed
you get 5% of the value back up to 30k
so lets say you buy a 300k house - you get 15k back

in 2017 it was limited to 20k back so the max it went to was 400k

now i dont know has it changed - buying a gaff up to 600k can get you 30k back based on the 2017 format…

when we bought our place - we got back 5% of the value
it was grand - get the 10% together - for the deposit - you only have to give the bank 5% then as other 5% came via revenue so then you have the cash then to do the place up

a FTB would need their fucking head examined to buy a second hand house today tbh


Helps everyone.

Lower mortgage costs frees up cash which can be spent in the wider economy offering more jobs etc etc etc.

Remind me - which ascendancy are you a part of again?