With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Classic TFK. You’d wonder how properties ever got bought and sold at all.

You can of course

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I know mate — My bro in law was bounced around for a while with that one - I thought it was hilarious - but way to suck all the life out of it.

Is the house already built. If not the vendor may well ask for a few bob at window and roofing stage

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She’s going to get a fright when she realises that as she can’t foreclose, her security is junk.
This isn’t necessarily a good thing either, it’ll push prices up still more unless stock is addressed.


It’s a winner for people on higher interest rates with Irish lenders. I’d imagine a lot of people will swap over.

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Yes, but would you?

Unusually, no. She’s a hard faced looking wan. A deeply unattractive quality.
Lads here go mental after any oul wan who looks like she’s had a shower and brushed her hair that morning.

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I’m certain they will, but it will result in the young getting fcuked over once again.

That’s not why rates are high here.

What isn’t?

That banks can’t foreclose/security is junk.

I didn’t say that it was, but if I were a mortgage lender, I’d want a premium in Ireland over other countries.
The reason rates are high in Ireland is the central bank seeming to be able to dictate terms I’d imagine

I’d highly doubt the costs for banks or the rules for repossession are more onerous than the rest of the EU. The reason interest rates are high is because Irish mortgage lenders have a cosy monopoly between them with no competition. If the government ever gets around to licensing a few European operators to operate in the Irish market you’ll see rates drop like a stone.

It has suited the government for mortgage rates to remain high here for a good time now which is why we have no European operators threatening the Irish providers.

It’s the same with insurance. I can’t get a quote from an insurance company in engerland but if I go through a broker I can.Too many middle men in Ireland making money off Joe public.

Wait - there is a queue of European operators who wish to offer mortgages in Ireland but are being prevented. This is quite the scoop - do you have sources/data?


Wait til Amazon and Apple provide mortgages


Mortgage approval with a thumbprint rather than paying a solicitor thousands for fook all

It’s been covered before but doesn’t get much attention. We are very very to approve operators coming into the market.