With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

If you were cleaning your account over a 6 month period to get it ready for mortgage approval, when could you seriously start looking and bidding on houses? Would it be two months out, one month out of the 6 as it takes an age for everything to go through?

By cleaning I mean not using PP or the Lotto apps and showing you can save the mortgage value blah blah blah…

6months for me

I hope they don’t check your tfk account for evidence of probity wonkly.


As in get the account 6 months clean, then go. :+1:

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You want to have six months of clean records. No point showing the current account statements with Paddy Power withdrawals from four months ago as they will query/flag them. Same with withdrawing money from savings accounts. You can justify/clarify some minor things but stuff like Paddy Power is only making a rod for your back.

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Unless you are gone mad on the betting apps they won’t give a fuck.
They do look for it, but as I said it’s not a deal breaker unless it mad money.

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Depending on what your job is also. A high up civil servant with a gold-plated pension ( cc @glasagusban) might not be done for it. A self-employed fella certainly will.

Sorry to hear that mate. A quick deal is all they want. An extra €5k on a house is worth fuck all in commission to an estate agent. They’d rather close it quick and move on. Stick their sale agreed sign up and away they go. At the same time the seller might be thinking the same. I want this done and dusted ASAP before the shit hits the fan. I wouldn’t think it’s unreasonable of them to take a lower offer that would be done quicker

Has anybody ever taken a loan out on car? A few lads I know who would be self employed are buying cars for 50k with a loan. Selling them on immediately again and making the payments. Apparently it’s a help when it comes to buying a house.

Sounds like absolute nonsense.


Absolute madness :joy::joy::joy:

There are a lot easier ways to build up a Credit score

There working in sales. So wages only a couple of times a year.

Ah yeah I know. Nothing we can do really. I am kicking myself that I asked for a few hours rather than saying a higher bid there and then. But in hindsight I could tell the way the agent was talking that the other bidder was getting this house no matter what. Agent was dropping comments about other bidder is willing to go to XXX if they really had to etc, while constantly trying to turn conversation over to a different house on the market.

That’s life I guess. Maybe something better will come along instead. Just keep the patience and don’t rush into something straight after to get it done.
We got beat out on two houses when we were looking but it was a blessing in disguise. Both needed work and I’m a useless bastard so I don’t know what I was thinking :joy:


I stupidly did the work lotto online out of laziness during lockdown not wanting to bother with shops… I had it for a month so 4 lotto transactions… I was wondering would these be highlighted.

How much are you spending on the lotto :flushed:

About 50 euro :laughing:

This house was perfect. Ticked all the boxes for us and we have been looking for a long time. We’d be 2nd time buyers so it was a step up and knew it was probably our forever home. The wife was devastated last night. She still is but we will get over it. We are happy enough where we are, bar a few small (ish) things.

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Is it time for a move?

Few months off i’d say