With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

You’d be surprised how often a sale falls through and the underbidder gets a buzz


I know of 3 over the past few months.

If and when they do come back to you as an underbidder, drop it by 5 grand.

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Estate agents are obliged to bring offers to clients attention. IIRC

you could always pop a letter through the postbox of the dream house if you know the guys name…

Right, after a few months of the mortgage provider taking an eternity to issue the AIP followed by the Letter of Acceptance and Solicitors pack I am finally in a position to finalise contracts and close this out.

House should be ready by the end of the year - with that in mind, anyone want to proffer some advice as to what is needed for moving into a new build house? Assume i will need to transfer/register for utilities? how long a lead time do I need to give the likes of Eir to transfer/set up TV/broadband?

Assume a bed, a fridge, an oven and a bit of light furniture is all we need to begin with and can go from there.



Go fairly Spartan with the furniture til ye’ve lived in the place for a while and then you can see what works. Also check the fibre rollout map to see if you’re copper pair(and needing a phoneline) or fibre. The turnaround time for new connections is 5 days in Dublin but they’ll normally do it in 2.

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Would you not have any concerns about the arse falling out of the property market early next year?

You’ll want a telly or you’ll be divorced

They’ve been saying that for 5 years now – the likes of @Gman, @Massey and @Tank have been predicting prices to drop drastically and nothing has happened.

I’d say there’ll be a fall due to Covid. I wish big mick well. Eir take an age to deliver broadband anyway.

Not really, €30k from the government as a first time buyer means that the deposit from us is relatively low and I would think we will be in this house for the long term. Area we are buying is well established I wouldn’t be overly worried about value of the property going down in the medium to long term. Cost of mortgage, life assurance and building insurance together works out about 10% cheaper than what we are paying in rent each month.


Best of luck.

Rochdale is well established mate. I wouldn’t want to live there though.

This is on the peninsula of fair Fingal.


You’ve really become a window licker

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:astonished: :astonished:

i guess your kid will need stuff too?

Bike Parking too

I have all the baby stuff as is. Will just bring it with us

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Is there any chance of the 10%/30k FTB grant hanging on to 2021 or will we back to the 5% version?

The Mrs has finally come round to my thinking about looking to buy a new house as opposed to something with ‘character’ that will require shitloads of work to be done. What’s finally swinging it her way is the talk that the decent schools are closer to where most of the new housing developments are. She also recognises that I’ll be stone cold useless at fixing anything.

We won’t have enough saved to dip in this year so it’ll have to be 2021 (moreso later in that year). I also get an approx 25% pay rise in January (gross), allowing me to save more and probably making me more attractive to the banks (who’d probably laugh at me at the moment).

Any soundings coming out pre budget about any chance of extending the 10%?

If this current government holds and the same minister remains over housing I would think that there is a chance that it will be extended but that is a tenuous enough enough hook to hang your hat on

Congrats. Did it take a few months for your bank to ultimately go through your accounts and let you draw down the mortgage and this AFTER you had gone sale agreed and paid booking deposit? If so sounds very slow. We have gone sale agreed on a place ourselves very recently and I am hoping to be in there in two months.