With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

95% at a fixed rate.

Mind boggling.

It probably won’t be available to build in the month of July as it will be competing at Wimbledon.


It will just drives prices through the roof if brought in here though. There’s just not enough stock to go round.

Extended until the end of 2021

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Thank You Eamonn

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For extending a scheme that hands money straight to property developers? You’re all over the shop.

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Anything on retrofitting in the budget, guys?

I presume so. It was pretty much the centre piece of Green Party policy for housing re climate change.

Yes. 350m

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That’s great. Not mentioned anywhere by the Irish times though. They only mention 65million for retrofitting social housing stock. Is the other 285 million up for grabs for anyone with an older house?

No mention of this in the paper of record run through below. So did Eamon lie to you or did you lie to us? Or did Leo and Mickey stitch the Greens up?

14 quid for fags :astonished:

Everyone that smokes is buying them on the black market I’d say.

sigh, i stated this yesterday, why would you question this? this sniping is unbecoming of you


What sort of grants can my local Green TD get for me?

Could I get a windmill?

im not a details man mate

@Rocko is better on the minutiae

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What are the practical options for retrofitting a home that currently has an oil boiler?

If a house isn’t A rated don’t even dream about a heat pump. Heat pump with rads is also a disaster.