With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Not an expert but if your changing from oil to a renewable things that have to go outside the boiler etc are

Cylinder = need a much bigger one
Your rads - these will be sized on a hot water temp circa 60degres. Depending on the system you go for these may need to be changed
Need to look at stats and controls also. All told probably looking at 10K- 15k min.

How does it heat the house without rads?

Are combi boilers worth a look or wait a while ?

Great news. Really fantastic. Has the 285 million you quote been announced by government anywhere or just tweeted by green party folks? I haven’t checked the indo but the times doesn’t mention it at all. Surely it would be a big headline.
No mention on the journal either…

You’d want to be some mug to be smoking in this day and age.

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Underfloor. Also you can get low to rads but they are big really only suitable to a well insulated building

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Not sure if serious…

I think your local one has personal sponsorship deals with mattress Mick and Dozol.

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No my one is the cheese to his cracker.

No heat pump circulates water higher than 45c and at that it would Rob you.

@TheUlteriorMotive , UFH.

She wont get you much. She got fuckall for the arts in the budget anyway. Wasn’t long smelling the LPG of the ministerial merc.


Get onto them quick. It’s 65MILLION LESS in that than you announced here yesterday. At that rate if you leve it a few days there will be nothing at all.

thats one dept, the other amount is coming from a different dept

accept it, the greens have delivered

It clearly states IN TOTAL ACROSS GOVERNMENT. More lies from you. Either way it’s sad to see the the Greens going the way of SFG and having their operatives push lies on the internet.
We’ll need a name for them… salad bots?

Retro fitting UFH is not practical in most cases

For the horsey set

Bigtime. That’s why they’re not suitable for retrofits. They’ll tell you to swap out the rads for aluminum rads etc but at the end of the day heat pumps will only work efficiently in an A rated house with UFH. Of course between green morons and the wankers selling them, people will retrofit with them and you’ll be left with ESB bills of 500 quid every two months and still have a freezing house.

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It’s not really a lifestyle choice for some folk.

The greens have sold out, again.