Woeful Journalism

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“Panto Legend “ :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Oh yes she is.


Ironic a couple of posts up there is a post on Troy Parrott :sweat_smile:

She walking around with a Parrot on her shoulder :open_mouth:

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Gene Kerrigan is overtly OIUTF.

This is an incoherent mess from Tommie Gorman.

I’ve pasted the first few paragraphs below but unfortunately the actual article drags on and on.

Make space in your diary. This coming week the Big Picture Show season begins. It will be a box set structure, involving a series of connected themes. The US election is the first episode. The outcome - Trump or Biden - will feed into the Brexit negotiations. Covid-19 will be a constant story line.

The interactions of events will shape the finale of Season One in December. By then Micheál Martin will know if there is a halt to the pattern of bad bounces and unforeseen challenges that has dogged his term as Taoiseach.

Over the weekend a package marked ‘trouble’ arrived on the Fine Gael doorstep. Its significance and shelf life may become clearer in the coming week.

Three men have served as Taoiseach during Donald Trump’s four year term in the White House. The administrations led by Enda Kenny, Leo Varadkar and now Micheal Martin have all struggled to establish calm, productive working relationships with the here today/toast tomorrow teams reporting to the former reality tv personality, now US President.


Rugby is after solving racism. It’s more than a sport in fairness


Like, I don’t know where to start with that bollocks


Don’t forget rugby helped us mature as a nation back in 2007.
A genuinely terrible piece of writing.
Maybe it’s meant as a joke?

Next they’ll be making a tv programme about foreigners who play their… never mind…

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Only seeing this now. Good jaysus

Who wrote that shite?

haven’t read the article but the reply’s suggest that most disagree

That’s like something Martin Breheny would write.

His plea to American politicians to “stop the shouting and lower the temperature” could well be applied to Dáil Éireann where aggressive grandstanding by Opposition TDs like Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald and Richard Boyd Barrett have become the norm.

Trump thrived on fomenting bitterness and division, constantly attempting to create conflict between “us and them”. A key element of the strategy was to portray political opponents as part of some ill-defined “elite” as distinct from the “ordinary people” he claimed to represent.

It is no accident that the Trump social media strategy has been adopted here by Sinn Féin and a variety of extremists who dominate exchanges with aggressive and hate-filled messages which tend to drive more considered voices to the margins. Irish politics has steadily become more Trumpian in recent years and there is no sign that is about to change.

If anything the signs are that the Trump playbook has taken firm root in Irish politics and, if the opinion polls are to be believed, it is his values rather than those of Biden that are set to prevail here at the next election.

I’ve gone badly off SF since the start of the pandemic, Mary-Lou seems more opportunist now than even Me-hole, but that’s the sort of shite that would make you vote for them anyway.

If anything the FG twitter campaign directed at SF has been even more Trumpian