Women you mightn't get along with, but you'd ride anyway

She doesn’t like men.

If she’s a republican, she likely doesn’t like anyone


Hence why he mightened get along with her.

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She is Biden’s Press Secretary so unlikely to be a Trump fangirl.

Informative rating

There was an absolutely beautiful girl in maccys on the parkway this morning.
Then she opened her mouth and sounded like a cross between Pat Butcher, a chainsaw and a megaphone :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:




The US gets closer to the movie Idiocracy every day


That’s all republicans in particular seem to go for , dolly birds, botoxed up, doesn’t matter what’s between the ears. Well, American politics in general. A fucking disaster of a country.

Will you go away to fuck…no sign of Catherine Martin or some other virtue signalling weapon doing a tiktok or whatever the fuck it is…hon the yanks.

More of that kind of thing…

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Lock the thread

You can’t be taking anyone who does that seriously, and the problem is they are in positions of influence in yankee land.

But you can take Irish politicians seriously? Struggling to think of one genuine and half-competent one.

Fair point, but I definitely wouldn’t be taking anyone seriously who is doing that as part of their political programme. “Let’s vote for the prettiest one!”

All the smart, successful, beautiful and healthy people i know are Republican .

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Mary Lou, Michelle O Neill, constance markievicz

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@Fagan_ODowd says countess markievicz was very photogenic but fairly ordinary in the flesh


How is Mary Lou successful?

@Boxty said her mother was a savage bit of gear and had great ankles