World Cup 2010 - Your Verdict

As a respected sporting website, TFK should surely be prepared to give its overall take on World Cup 2010. Shamelessly stealing the headings from The Guardian, feel free to give your best of from WC 2010. Feel free to add any category you see fit by the way.

Fare thee well, we had only begun to get to know you…

Match of the tournament
England 1-4 Germany. Nothing to do with a hatred of those across the water, more so the explosion of Germany onto this World Cup, combined with the drama of the game and of course Lampards goal that never was.

Player of the tournament
Andres Iniesta. Had Villa before the final, but it was a toss up between both at times for me anyway. Iniesta provided so much drive and vigour that in a WC where it seemed to be all about the collective more so than the individual, Iniesta gets it for me.

Worst player of the tournament

Goal of the tournament
Quagliarella, Tevez, or Gio. Am going with Quagliarella, best strike of the dreaded jabulani imo.

Celebration of the tournament
Carlos Tevez running to Maradona shouting “I got a good one boss” acc to The Guardians Argentinian correspondent whose name escapes me.

Biggest disappointment
The Jabulani. Adidas and FIFA cunts.

Personal highlight
Diego Maradona back on the world stage. All was right with the world again for a few brief weeks.

Lesson for 2014
Fuck off Jabulani
Fuck off Vuevuezela
Fuck off Blatter

My verdict is soccer. The tournament went soccer and the players all played soccer. All in all the tournament was soccered.

Match of the tournament

I’m with MBB on this one.
The manner in which germany destroyed a hapless England, great goals and a nice touch of controversy thrown in.

Player of the tournament

David Villa, he got the goals when it mattered. Disappointed he didn’t bag one in the final. It was a toss up between him and Paul The Octopus.

Worst player of the tournament

Too many bad players to single any out.

Goal of the tournament

I’ll go with Gios in the semi. An absolute bullet.

Celebration of the tournament

Maradona for any of the Argies goals

Biggest disappointment

Argentina being destroyed by Germany.
The amount terrible games.
Jubilani Ball

Personal highlight

Watching England getting thumped by the Germans in a pub full of Brits.

Lesson for 2014

Ensure Ireland are there.
We’re great craic.

Match of the tournament
USA 1-0 Algeria. Absolute drama in this one. The elation at the end of the game was unsurpassed.

Player of the tournament
Landon Donovan. Got it done when it mattered excpet against the Ghana things. Robbed doesn’t even begin to describe what happened in that game.

Worst player of the tournament

Goal of the tournament
Frank Lampard against Germany… oh wait.
It has to be van Bronckhorst against Uruguay.

Celebration of the tournament
Wesley Sneijder against Brazil.

Biggest disappointment
Holland not winning the bloody thing. Cash is king brother.

Personal highlight
Watching the USA v England in Landsdowne Road, NYC. Savage.

Lesson for 2014
Make sue to get Ossie back on the RTE pundit panel.
Stay out of Brazil. You’ll get killed

Who keeps voting down your posts Flano?

It appears your about as popular as a hand glider with diarrhea around here.

It’s probably you and the rest of the fucktards. Simple answer bro.

Match of the tournament

Italy paraguay - a fascinating tactical battle.

Player of the tournament


Worst player of the tournament

torres & rooney

Goal of the tournament

I’ll go with DDR vs Paraguay

Celebration of the tournament

DDR vs paraguay

Biggest disappointment

referee s acting on fifas instruction to cheat Italy

Personal highlight

Celtic legend brafheids coolness back header to the keeper in the WC final

Lesson for 2014

Ensure Ireland are there.
We’re great craic.

No fucker,it aint me.

Not interested.

Match of the tournament
Denmark v Cameroon.

Player of the tournament

Worst player of the tournament

Goal of the tournament
Van Bronkhorst.

Celebration of the tournament
Carlos Tevex.

Biggest disappointment

Personal highlight
My beloved Korea getting through to the knockout stages. I also enjoyed watching my beloved Germany destroy first England and then Argentina.

Lesson for 2014
Video technology.

Match of the tournament
Germany v England

Player of the tournament

Worst player of the tournament

Goal of the tournament
David Villa - 1st Goal vs. Honduras

Celebration of the tournament
Michael Bradley vs. Slovenia

Biggest disappointment
Spain’s lack of goals

Personal highlight
The annihilation of England by the master race
Didi Hamann

Lesson for 2014
Don’t watch the first two rounds

Match of the Tournament
Germany’s destruction of England.

Player of the Tournament

  1. Thomas Mueller (by a street - 5 goals and 3 assists in 6 games from the right side of midfield. :clap: ).
  2. Diego Forlan (magnificent footballer whether as a striker in a primarily goalscoring role or as a #10 with creative onus).
  3. Iker Casillas (legendary performer).

Worst player of the Tournament
Lots to choose from - Rooney, nearly every Juventus representative, French candidates, Torres. I’ll go for that fat, useless, balding piece of shit Wayne Rooney.

Goal of the Tournament
Luis Suarez - the winner against South Korea.

Celebration of the Tournament
Team America after Landon Donovan’s winner against Algeria.

Biggest Disappointment
Brazil’s second half capitulation against Holland.

Personal highlight
Germany’s performances.

Lesson for 2014
Take time off work to enjoy afternoon games - I missed the likes of Italy/Slovakia and USA/Slovenia this time around.

Match of the tournament
Italy v Slovakia was the closest there was to an epic

Player of the tournament
David Villa – dragged Spain through to the semi finals

Worst player of the tournament
Fabio Cannavaro – his vanity and refusal to accept the glaring reality that he was finished as a footballer ended in personal humiliation

Goal of the tournament
There was no goal that will be played in highlights reels in 20 years time.

  1. Germany’s third goal against England
  2. Germany’s second and fourth goals against England
    Brazil’s third goal against Chile was really good as well

Moment of the tournament
Landon Donovan’s goal v Algeria – incredible drama

Save of the tournament

  1. Luis Suarez
  2. Iker Casillas from Robben’s shot v Holland

Celebration of the tournament

  1. Carlos Tevez v Mexico
  2. Andres Iniesta v Holland

Headbutt of the tournament
Gabriel Heinze on a cameraman after Higuain’s goal against Mexico - but it wasn’t quite up there Zidane’s

Best piece of skill in the tournament
Any of Diego Maradona’s flicks on the sideline

Best team performance

  1. Germany v Argentina
  2. Spain v Germany
  3. Germany v England
  4. New Zealand v Italy

Biggest disappointment
Argentina 0-4 Germany

Personal highlight
The return of the world’s greatest ever footballer to the World Cup

Personal lowlight
Being in a pub full of Argentinians as Germany knocked in three second half goals

Lesson for 2014
Go back to the ball used in 1978 - the Tango

Very thorough Sid, I’d go for Ikers save in the Final too as my save of the tournament.

I have another category

Favourite player of the tournament
Toss up between Keizuke Honda and Diego Forlan, Honda gets it for me. What a breath of fresh air, if for no other reason that his square ball in the Danish game I think it was. Pure class.

Match of the Tournament
Germany v England. From initially thinking that Germany would destroy them, to thinking that Lampard’s goal would be the turning point to realising that the Germans are far superior to the English as shown by the 4-1 scoreline.

Player of the Tournament

Despite originally leaving Mueller out of my top three, Bandage’s facts above can’t really be argued with. He was hugely missed against Spain. I thought Schweinsetiger was consistently excellent. Iniesta’s performances againt Germany and Holland, when most required were also superb. Forlan had a wonderful World Cup as well - he was particularly excellent against Ghana I felt.

Worst player of the Tournament

Rooney, Torres, the Italians, French

Goal of the Tournament
Iniesta’s in the final. Pressure, not easy and finished clinically.

Celebration of the Tournament
Suarez after Gyan missed the penalty for Ghana after his handball.

Biggest Disappointment
Lionel Messi. Alton Towers.

Personal highlight
Spain winning it as I stood to winn 200 notes, particularly after they lost their first match.

Lesson for 2014
Take time off work to enjoy afternoon games - particularly the quater finals. Only saw the last five mins of Brazil Holland.

Money, money, money, why does everything have to be about money these days?

Suarez’s celebration v South Korea was one I forgot, that was brilliant.

I see people mentioning afternoon games in the next World Cup. How many of the games will actually be played in the afternoon considering the time difference?

I just copped that the time difference will suit us in 4 years time. Lunchtime, 3pm and 7.30pm kick offs will be 5.30pm, 8pm and 12.30am. Potential to be tired next day in work and probably worth taking off the week of the semi final and the Monday after the final anyway. I’ll firm up on a plan of action closer to the time.

I do wish you’d stop going on about this. It was an office sweep, not a bet.
