Worst Place in Ireland


It’s full of the blacks.

And before I get banned look at these cunts.

Balbriggan. Home of the looney Greens.

It reminds me of some provincial shithole in rural New Zealand or somewhere, a grid of streets with a dual carriage way running through the middle of it. A set of traffic lights, a shopping centre and away off you go out the other side.

There are some very innocent Munster men posting on this board.


Fuckin hell :weary:

Rubberbandits have a lot to answer for…

So long



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Crossmaglen, Co. Armagh
British soldiers, fully armed and in full combat gear, crawl the streets every time a driver on the main street beeps their horn. Basically a living real piece of Sinn Fein propaganda that the Irish political establishment have only been able to cope with by either firstly denying it exists or secondly being as prejudiced as possible against the locals. The locals are mostly grand, although obviously a very dangerous bunch but there are also plenty of proper scummer-knackers going around like they run the place, which they almost do. The GAA club has sold out to the Brits.

Portadown, Co. Armagh
Once voted the worst city in the whole of the UK. Plenty of horrendous loyalist kips up north that are probably all as bad as each other (another poster has already mentioned Antrim town) but this is the poster-boy for them. The others take their lead from Portadown. The platonic ideal of a loyalist shithole, if you will.

Belturbet, County Cavan
Straight from the blackest dreams of John McGahern, a town where some demon has sucked all the joy out of the air with an evil hoover. A perpetually grey and brown place. Not a single redeeming feature. No nice restaurants, shops, pubs and nothing near. If HP Lovecraft were to create a town in Ireland you feel that this would be it. The locals are to a man and woman the most cavany fuckers in the whole of Cavan. They act like they’d charge you to smile at you. Happiness is shunned upon, almost taboo. The locals hide in darkened rooms behind lace and retro-style curtains but you can’t help the feeling of being watched but suspicious cruel eyes. You are haunted by imagined visions of the cruelty that these mean-spirited cunts must inflict upon each other behind the austere facade of the respectable family unit. Then they line up piously at their church every Sunday to mutter chants beneath their breath and make sure everyone is in line. You sense that it’s infectious and if you lived here you’d soon start beating your wife out of boredom. At least Killashandra has a lake for you to throw yourself into when it all gets too much.

A few other thoughts:-

  • New Ross is a grand town, I had a nice dinner and a nice weekend in it, although I did get a strange sense of menace, like people were scared to be out after dark. It’s a town where you feel like everyone is just waiting for something to go wrong.
  • I really want to have a night out in Tipperary town.
  • Bagnelstown Co. Carlow wouldn’t be the best. The locals and their dogs were very unhappy to find me walking down the main street by myself after dark, which I was not expecting. Leighlinbridge already mentioned here, but at least it’s quite a pretty little place.

All those words and not one bit of humour or wit. You’re an awful try hard.

Are you the lad who thought there was 56 homeless people in Dublin? Do you think this is a feud now?

I have drank in a lot of kips in my time, I enjoy a bar that’s a bit rough around the edges, but Tipp town is without doubt, the biggest shithole I’ve ever set foot in.
That’s not an anti Tipp bias or anything, I’ve drank in Cashel, Clonmel and Cahir and they are grand spots, even Thurles while a bit of a kip is passable. But Tipp town is beyond redemption

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The whole Lurgan, Craigavon and Portadown triumvirate takes some beating.

Larne is very grim too. Lisburn is another horrible black hole.

It didn’t help when a lot of the scum were rehoused there during the regeneration project.

Lads equating a potholed street and a few dilapidated shop fronts with a sectarian murderous sterile snake pit.


Sure most of them have only been to the airport, fair description of Shannon though


The only town in Antrim that I really liked was Carnlough

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