Worst Post of the Year - Log Thread

Beyond time something like this was set up. Standards need to be upheld, and those who fall below them need to be excoriated publicly.

Nominee number one:


http://www.thefreekick.com/board/public/style_images/uniform/snapback.pngmyboyblue, on 12 January 2012 - 11:09, said:

Nah, just that his standing has always been pretty low from the off.


And he knocks it out of the park.

I’d like to thank The Runt for the [size=2]small[/size] part he played in this production :clap:

I’ll walk this :clap:

I’ve 37,724 others to add to that but I can’t be arsed quoting them all

In the past 12 days? That’s some posting.

In response to Mascara’s move to Novara, Farmer followed up with this beaut

‘I had been keeping an eye on that potential transfer for months. Hopefully he doesn’t blacken his name moving to a smaller club’

Totti’s shocking diatribe against the word banter must be in with a shout.

had forgotton i had MBB on ignore, highly recommeded btw

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I think MBB’s toggling of the font size was quite witty in that post so I can’t see him winning worst post of the year with that one.


Is that an excerpt from Eilis O’Hanlon’s column in the most recent edition of the Sindo?