Ye Olde FA Cup 2021

Back to your white claw piss water you


What font do Arsenal have on their jersey numbers and names? Nazi?

1-1. Aubam

Arteta’s antics on the sideline there offering further proof that he’s a wanker.

Addams Family, I think.

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Hard to despise Arsenal really. Although that Arsenal Fan TV crowd would turn you off them a little bit.

He has been bet up a stick all day

Wasn’t great there

Dave is off.

Should have been off for the pelanty


Chelsea are rattled.

Another hammer gone

The Chelsea physio will be job hunting tonight.

Tierney has been excellent here in the 30 minutes or so ive seen, covering some amount of ground and starting attacks for Arsenal as the left sided defender in the back three.

Surprised Maitland Niles is playing, thought he wanted out. He has been lively too

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Tierney has had a transformative effect on the London gunners

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Weird enough dig if that’s what it is.

It is not

Not now that you’ve edited the trans part out it isn’t.