Ye Olde League Cup Thread

Kepa Arrizabollox

Incredible, a squad of players completely lacking in character

Gonzalo Higuain yet again showed his big game temperament by not taking a penalty.

The bottlerā€™s bottler.

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Kepa hated on the phone ins

Youā€™re listening to scummy soccer phone ins?


606 on BBC Five Live have changed their name to 666 for the evening thatā€™s in it.

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News coming in that an angry mob of Chelsea supporters have set fire to Kepaā€™s house.

This is madness.

Everybody needs to take a step back here.

Ceser was captain, a charlatan

Heā€™s a clown.

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Sarri was weak. He backed down

Azpilicueta was weak. He did nothing

Chelsea are weak.

. ā€œI was on the other side of the pitch. I did not see it.ā€ Azpilicueta

Ah lads it was all just a big misunderstanding, sarri though kepa had cramp and thats why he was making the switch.

As Sarri is an Italian and italians are known for their integrity it has to be true.:joy:


Thing is, Kepa did make one very good save from Sane.

He fucked up saving from Aguero but was in the right position and somehow conspired to butterhands it.

You couldnā€™t really say his cramp or whatever it was cost Chelsea the penalty competition - but he did by not saving from Aguero. But that was down to his own shiteness.

Neither can you discount the shiteness of the penalties of Jorginho and Sideshow Bob.

Thereā€™s an awful whiff of bullshit in that statement

I was listening to Sarri there on the radio this morning. It was just a misunderstanding.

Happens, I suppose.

These things just happen.