You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Lies. Both of these statements are patently untrue.

Youā€™re just continuing your tactic of calling supported posts lies which you fail to support.

Pathetic stuff from you.

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Not sure thats how it work bro.

He could be a haemophiliac.

Thereā€™s no rasputinā€™ what he says.

When one of the contact tracing crew rang us when our middle lad tested positive, the one on the phone went mental that our eldest hadnt been self isolating away from the rest of the family. Said it was reckless stuff and we needed to do more to keep the other children away from her at all costs. It was a quick call from there. In fairness to another one who called for my contact tracing, she said it was understandable and unavoidable to try keep 3 kids under 10 self isolated. She actually said we were better off, as if the first one had self isolated, then all the times for the close contacts would all end up being reset rather than a timeline from first exposure running through.

So it doesnt sound like a lie to me based on what some of the contact tracing in the HSE are telling parents to do.

plus, Iā€™ve never once ever seen @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy lie on TFK. A more honest man you couldnt meet.


Yeah, Iā€™d believe anything at this stage, the zealots are on both sides, and equally mental about it.

Thank God for us level minded people.

Hope youā€™re out the other side soon. I reckon I might be facing into the start of it here, but awaiting test results.


thatā€™s your second response to this saying the same thing

you posted it last night, retracted it, slept on it & posted it again


Just shows how transmissible the new variants are if it made it into your basement.


Vaccines vaccines vaccines


Iā€™m off for my 5th vaccine.

The new variants have a lot of topspin in the way they transmit.

Youā€™re posting things that are patently untrue, repeatedly. Itā€™s appropriate to point out that you are lying.

Youā€™re posting that things are patently untrue.

This is your level.

Apparently ā€œI know you are you but what am Iā€ is now your level.

Go asey on him or heā€™ll be on here telling us he knows who you are :scream:


Iā€™m only engaging in your level of debate which is to tell people they are wrong or telling lies. You canā€™t frame an argument, all you can do is shout liar or some other hysterical lie or overreaction.

Iā€™ve substantiated my position, you only cast untruthful slurs. Pointing this out upsets you.

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They need a circuit breaker before Christmas.

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He accepts the vaccine works. Progress is being made. Letā€™s be patient with him.

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It sounds like good parenting to me