You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I’d wager myself that vaccines might have saved even more than than 9074 lives.

It’s deemed completely ineffective by morons.

In reality vaccines, even just the two doses, including Astra Zeneca, are very likely to protect the overwhelming majority of people against severe disease. Though a third is obviously now very advisable and will give extra protection.

Whereas those who have not been vaccinated, such as you, are sitting ducks.

I am not so sure about lockdown tbh

Saved for posterity

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With a more transmissible version than Delta? Absolutely 100% non negotiatable you’d have to think given previous reactions. You have to remember that there won’t be anything looked at or listened to from outside as regards the severity of the variant, it will be the usual way over the top, longer than everyone in Europe bullshit that they are wont to do.

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Very very little difference to peoples natural immunity it would seem if we’re taking Omicron as a real threat.

You are wrong again @Cheasty I’m afraid.

Save away.

Just a heads up for the OIUTF crowd that @Tank is even more pessimistic about Omicron than I am.

And I’d bring in lockdown 5 right now, so I’m fairly pessimistic.

Two doses probably offers little protection against infection with Omicron. Which is a whole different ball game to protection against severe disease.

Three likely does offer very significant protection against infection.

You and other unvaccinateds have no protection against severe disease. You’re a sitting duck.

Ultimately Covid is a load of bollocks that only affects rich countries that can afford to keep people working from home.

Its a total cod.

Let it rip through and natural immunity will see humanity through as we’ve always done as a species, maybe with some vaccinated assistance*


5 million dead in India.

Peru has the highest recorded death rate in the world.

If you think Peru is a rich country may I suggest you broaden your horizons a wee bit.

Can’t do anymore here with everyone triple boosted?

Has to be an endgame pal.

Lockdown in January is a banker. Where Boris leads Claire Byrne dixciples follow.
You might as well go out and live a little while you still can gents


There are cities so populated in India they wouldnt even count 5 million plus or minus 5 million in their equivalent cso.

Covid doesnt matter there. They have a lot more to worry about than scare byrne or liveline or the schitck

A combination of human actions and biology will decide that.

Humans can only do their own part.

You’ve decided not to.

Don’t complain so if the “endgame” is not to your liking. It’s pretty clear that the in game pattern is not to your liking. But its one you’ve chosen to help bring about.

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I stand by my position. I totally respect everyone elses as well. Unfortunately mine results in me being a pariah socially but look thats fine too.

I get the argument that, thats your decison but its still fucking annoying when it doesnt make sense scientifcally and it doesnt especially with so called Omicron.

Negative test rather than a coercive and very discrimintive vaccine passport surely is far safer for everyone.

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The entirety of the scientific community says it makes sense. And they’re right.

Time will tell pal.

A good 4 month lockdown starting in January is the only way out of the mess ye are in

Are you willing to tale a booster every 3 months for the rest of your life?

Would you like to let it rip through your family and kill your parents etc ?

What are the chances of that?

This is the sort of hysterical nonsense we have been subjected to from the start.

The bottom line is Covid is of little threat to fit and healthy people. For people who have dodgy health conditions, it’s merely another thing that they have to be careful of.