You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Zero covid was a cult in fairness.

Irrational zealots who thought they meant well.



On the contrary – the let it rip ideology was the bourgeois, elitist, death cult ideology, pushed by entitled, wealthy elites who could afford to isolate while the little people were the ones who had to run the significant risk of life changing chronic illness and dying, in factories and other workplaces stripped of any safety precautions.

And of course it was pushed relentlessly by the willingly useful idiots of the plutocratic elites on here. The same idiots who were down on their knees for the last two weeks in thrall to celebrity when a rich and famous tennis player decided the rules shouldn’t apply to him.

That ideology was clear an example of one rule for the rich and another for the rest as you can get.

To quote Leona Helmsley, death was only for the little people.

Its propagandists like Ghouldorff, Bhattacharya, Gupta, De Santis, as well as the myriad snake oil anti-vaccine cultists with a platform, should all be in prison.

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I’m very sorry for your loss. I know you looked after and cared for him. To get him so far only to be taken in those circumstances must have been very difficult. I’m not sure how I would have coped in those 3 weeks and relying on nurses /doctors to provide updates. A tough station and I hope you had some support yourself during that time. I’m sure you did everything you possiblly could for your dad.


That’s a good fair post with no bullying or abuse.

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Anthony is not happy

Especially when you consider half the lads who have it wouldn’t even know

Agree with most of that mate.

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It’s interesting you want to jail Ron DeSantis and not Andrew Cuomo who ordered Covid positive patients back into nursing homes, resulting in the deaths of about 20,000 older vulnerable people in New York. Florida had the toughest challenge in the US given it has the oldest population, is the preferred retirement location and vacation location in the US. Yet they are the #18 state in deaths per capita.

As always every opinion you hold is based on ideology. Per your logic of Covid deaths, the governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Moldovia, Latvia, Belgium, Italy and Ukraine should all be in jail, before you get to your favorite target the UK. Would you agree, or should only the right wing governments be jailed?

Other than Sweden, no other western country adopted the recommendations of the GBD, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Put the blame where it belongs, the idiot clowns running your own government and their advisors. The HSE who did absolutely nothing to improve infectious disease control in Irish hospitals. If you wanted to catch Covid in winter 2020/21 there was no need to go to a pub you simply had to walk around the corridors of an Irish hospital.


Excellent post. :+1:

Absolutely spot on.

I’d even go so far as to give that a…hear hear.

@johnnysachs is the best of us… He’s too good for this place.

It’s gas to see lads accusing other lads of selfishness for not taking an injection that they didn’t need, wouldn’t have benefitted from and which has proved a bit useless for most of the population…they’re showing remarkable loyalty to the party though


Sure that’s why I specifically gave them a mention pal. You’re welcome.

Oh I do alright, on the likes of you and your heroes you doff your soup taking cap to, who were actually rapacious cunts who saw fit to sacrifice millions of lives on the altar of a false binary economics v public health delusion.

That’s exactly where the blame lies.

Mate, finger wagging is doing no good here. Time to repair divisions and make Ireland great again.

Not to mention all of the coronary episodes induced by the jab.

Some neck on them to be back out preaching after the lies they told for the first 6 months or so. They’re conveniently ignoring the millions that died. All about the dollar but too spineless to admit it.

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The day of reckoning is nigh pal and “I was only following orders/popular opinion” won’t save you from the firing squad.

Bang bang bang bang pause



@Horsebox wants to murder @Batigol.

Sad to see the OIUTF solidarity breaking down like this.