Your favourite Walkers Flavour

Inspired by the Paddy Power book.

have yet to try any of them actually havnt even seen them for sale… i hear cajun squirrel i meant to be nice…
i couldnt imagine builders breakfast or fish and chips to be anyway nice
crispy duck and hoisin sounds good too … hmm i must go hunting for them

Haven’t tried any of them but put in for Builders breakfast. Can’t be too bad… can it?

Have had two of em:

Cajun Squrriel - Fairly nice but nothing exceptional

Fish and Chips - Not great, fairly bland.

I’d say it’s between builders breakfast and fish and chips for myself. Some hum of fried egg off the builders breakfast

what the hell are all these yokes. obviously hasnt hit around my muldoon land yet anyway.

and fook monster munches too.

These Flavors are all 2 for 1 in centra in Limerick this week as well. That’s a recession busting 56c saving on the RRP.

must call to centra later and see are they on offer in these parts

Chilli and chocolate? That sounds disgusting. Tried the builders breakfast ones. Average.

Chili and chocolate go very well together for fuck sake. But on a crisp Im not so sure, I’ll have to try it out.

G’wann Onion Bahji, G’wann ta fuck.

Marmite should be up there,fooking gorgeous.

I think il just stick to the cheese and onion ones.

Have a Crispy Duck & Hoisin here. Manky enough.

Whats wrong with you Monster munch mugs?

I love a well flavoured bag of Monster Munch but unfortunately these days all too often you end up with a bag of anemic tastless fuckers.

Ah I’m not against a bag of Monster munch but I mean try out something different the blazes.

I’m after eating a fooking bag of Crispy Duck and Hoisin flavour. Thats fairly different.

Cajun Squirrel? What the fuck?

Nice one. I wasn’t directing my comment at you though. It was at the 8 punters that voted for Monster Munch.