Your Super Bowl Snacks Thread (also US Presidental Election night)

I wouldn’t do it to you

I’ll throw up the after pic when I’m finished my beer

I’m hungry now but it’s late

The old reliable.


2 tubs of Pringles and some Vanilla Coke

Pringles unlikely to make kick-off

Consumption record so far

One packet of skips
One club milk
One fun size crunchie

Spicy prawns and chicken gyoza about to be thrun on soon.

I’ll need soakage.


Strong mug of tea and rhubarb pie :muscle:
Wife despatched to the spare room :muscle:


6 bottles of craft beer and an Oreo cheesecake in the fridge

I had some sticky toffee pudding and vanilla Ice cream not long ago. A few cans of Fraulein’s Piss IPA to follow.

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I’d ate that

The cans are flying down. where’s this shit head Dr. Dre,?

I’ve two tubes of Pringles ate

Inglewood always up to no good

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He’s still got love for the streets.

Wings need another 30.

Cracking an Asahi.

Have a Teams meeting in 3 hours so should get all 6 drank by then.

What are we loading up on this weekend lads?

Num num num

Never fails :yum: