Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Now that’s GAA :clap:

Would the pill be classed as doping?

Is that a rule?

Typically, i think its the current year and previous year All Stars that go on these tours and play each other in the exhibition game.

Its not a rule pal, its just yer man being a tard.

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The Gee PA to give it its full title.

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Listen here you internet addicted, lickspittle jumped up little cunt.

Since the sad demise of the ignore function I’ve no choice but to read your inane ramblings on here. Don’t reply to any of my comments, don’t tag me in posts and generally give me a wide berth on here. I await your hilarious response - complete with emojis and/or GIF’s - that I’m seething. :rollseyes:

This is the last time I’m going to engage with you on here. Now fuck off for once and for all you vile, horrid cunt. When they develop the DNA advancements that link you to all those missing women in the Midlands and you are off this site for all off at least 20 mins it’ll be a great day for this forum.

Again - go fuck yourself.


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :grinning:

I’d like to think you feel better after that, but you will never let go of that hate inside you, and it’ll continue to eat away at you, as that simple throwaway post obviously has. Thanks for the response, it brightened up a gloomy Tuesday.

Oh, and go fuck yourself you prick.




I’m delighted to have given it it’s 10th like, he deserved it following that outpouring of bile :clap:

The Irish Fritzl still doesn’t get it.

I’ve made a holy show of him, been vindicated with a nice post from some top, top posters whose views I respect but he still can’t accept it.

Self praise is no praise but I’ve mugged him off. Mugged him off good and proper.


And STILL going.


its not self praise kid, its a post that would be universally acknowledged and will stand the test of time.

i enjoyed the tone of it especially, i actually enjoyed reading it there for a second time and ill go back later for thirds before the day is out.


I too have enjoyed re-reading your post. If I could like it again I would. Keep up the good work pal :thumbsup:

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Did Munster Rugby secure new investment or what?

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The cavalry arrives. Its so sweet :rollseyes:

Wow, just wow. Tip of the hat sir, that is not so much a clamping as a virtual murder before our eyes. Wonderful scenes.


Did you get that PM?

Who, me?

I did mate, thanks :thumbsup: