2010/2011 English Premier League Discussion Thread

One week to go to kick off, am pretty sure there’s not a thread for this already is there? Did a search and found nowt but the fact that you cant search for 3 lettered words makes this thread a balls to find hence I’ve given it its full name this year.

As good as way as any to start it off, Cesc Fabregas has confirmed he will be staying at Arsenal for the season. expect him to be off next Summer mind.

Ah dear God no


SKY Super Sundays between Wigan and Birmingham are just around the corner…

Fabregas staying is the same as the Ronaldo business a few years ago, the deal was done to move the following summer. Sounds like this is the case with bad tempered little lad ok?

Amazing how Wenger practically bullied him into staying, the relationship will hopefully turn sour now as I can’t stand either party. They’ll still challenge for the title up to March though.

Besss league in the wuhhhld innit?


  1. Manchester United
  2. Arsenal
  3. Chelsea
  4. Liverpool
  5. Everton
  6. Tottenham Hotspur
  7. Manchester City
  8. Aston Villa
  9. Blackburn
  10. West Ham
  11. Sunderland
  12. Birmingham City
  13. Stoke
  14. Bolton
  15. Fulham
  16. Newcastle
  17. Wolves
  18. Wigan
  19. West Brom
  20. Blackpool

Get a life you sad cunt.


Or else?

Good games to open her up on Sky Sports next weekend all the same. Spurs v City, Liverpool v Arsenal and United v Newcastle I believe. It’ll be nice sitting on my hole all weekend for the winter.

City have named Robinho in their squad, but no Bellamy

If the deadline is September 1st then can you play anyone from your squad till then. http://www.thefreekick.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif

Just going on the info supplied Shan. Fulham are now in and in hard for Bellamy, will be interesting to see how it develops. Super Mario is on his way to Eastlands

What is likely to be city’s starting 11 v Spurs at the weekend

Given; Boateng, Kompany, Toure, Kolarov; De Jong, Barry, Yaya Toure, Johnson; Tevez, Adebayor.

Fucking huge team if nothing else.

Indeed, i like the look of Johnson, has a serious left peg on him…

So they’re going to leave Silva out? Ballsy move that after paying 25m for him.

I would say that Hart will get the nod in goals.

wouldn’t be surprised if they did, considering they left him out of the uefa cup squad during the week, hardly what you do to a lad who is one of the first name on the team sheet

He was left out of the Europa squad so as they wouldn’t tan him completely after the World Cup, I’d be surprised if he’s not started against Spurs, but given the talent there who knows for sure. There’s talk now that Mario will be named on the bench tomorrow

That is nonsense, sure he bearly played at the World Cup, if that is the logic why isn’t De Jong being left out seeing as he had a far more strenuous world cup, in fact there are easily half a dozen players in the City squad who would have had far harder world cups than him…