2010 Summer Transfer Window

What is your take on MON?

I’m sick of him. He is a bit like an old girlfriend - ya they are grand and all. Not bad looking, sex on tap and ye were happy for a good while but it has got to the stage that you think you can do better. You focus on all the bad things about them and not the good things. But deep down you know it aint going anywhere so a parting of the ways would best for all parties.

John Carew is the only player from Europe he has signed in four years (pretty much) in a swap deal with Baros that Lyon instigated. That is pretty shocking

Surprised no one has picked Stephen Ireland up. I would take him to Liverpool but we have too many of his type of player.

You were having sex with Martin O’Neill?

Not just sex, but sex on tap.

He is not bad looking either apparently.

Fergie is a known admirer of young Stevie.

I’m led to believe Ireland will be a Villa player this season but it’ll take a few weeks yet. On O Neill, he is one of the most frustrating managers you can get but is an excellent man manger. My biggest issue with him is his failure to learn from his mistakes(like not buying players in Janurary to help the team push on ). I wouldn’t be too upset if he was let go, I would have liked to see Jol get the job actually.

Mark Hughes being a shoo in at Fulham at this stage, plans on making Craig Bellamy his first signing. No fucking shock there. Bellamy is currently on 95K a week at City though.

95,000 folks.

A week.

Fu-ck-ing hell.

MON man management skills are hugely overrated imo. Barry and Milner have both wanted to leave while he has dropped Reo Coker and Luke Young after rows. To be honest I’d prefer a manager that was stronger at rotating players, signing players and getting those players to play in a manner that best suits them. MON struggles at all three.

To be fair, the season before last was when he blew it really. Arsenal were really struggling around January and we were on a great run. Then they signed Arshavin and we signed Heskey. The rest is history.

Cesc will again ask for a transfer in the next day or so. Do Barca have the cash for this?

Steven Ireland has just tweeted the following

“staying in Manchester”.

Enjoy Shan.

He had a few rows at Celtic too. Juninho had a public falling out with him and there were strange cases around the departure of one or two others. He is an excellent motivator and to be fair has done excellently with some difficult players. I suppose even a good man manager will have issues with some players. An awful lot of pricks playing professional football.

Schwarzer is off to Arsenal it seems.

Jenas just got injured playing for Spurs so that should halt any move for him.

David James has signed for Bristol City.

think you have overused excellent there particularly in relation to MON. There would even be a view that he has built up Ashley Young too much. He holds a grudge pretty badly after these rows too. Not sure if there is a disproprionate number of pricks playing football than other business.

Ah I’ve lost faith in him quite a while ago so I’m probably not in the best position to give reasoned analysis.

He is a top class motivator according to those who have played for him. Larsson has spoken about that before. He does no coaching so he’d want to be good at coaching but to be fair to him he is.

Not disappointed on losing out on James if someone else comes to Celtic instead. Think he’s too old to be signing and was motivated by money as much as anything seemingly.

Manchester United being heavily linked to Mesut Özil.

Class player - would hate that.

He only has a year left on his contract and Brehem are willing to let him go around the 15m mark.

Bremen seem to have been almost courting suitors for him. He actually didn’t have a fantastic domestic season last year in the Bundesliga. He’s still only young though so I doubt they’re writing him off but they’d be locking in a fairly decent profit over a couple of years if they did sell him.

I’m one of the few people on here who can say that I’m not sure if I’ve ever played with or against Mesut Özil. We certainly both played in Rotweiss Essen’s magnificent stadium.

:clap: :clap:

I can exclusively reveal this deal has just been done.

£16.5m + Ireland for Milner, a good deal for Villa if O Neill can get Ireland playing the way he was the season before last.

Are Villa playing 4-4-2 these days or a 4-3-3/4-5-1…Ireland is far more suited to a central three

With Ireland signing it’ll nearly have to be a central three.