2013 Lakeside World Darts Championships

As I’ve already said, that photograph comes from Unicorn themselves, so you really need to take any problems you have with it up with them. Perhaps fire off a strongly worded e-mail signed “Concerned, Sandymount” or “Apeshit, Tournafulla”, lads.

Another problem with the Unicorn boards is that they don’t make that pleasing “thud” in the same way the Winmau ones do. Literally less bang for your buck.

You’ve summed it up there, mate. :clap:

The starter has been finished and the main course is simmering nicely, almost ready to be served, And as Brendan Rodgers would say, all the top quality ingredients have been included so darts fans can have an outstanding meal.

nice clamping there sidney :clap:

Damning evidence eh? :strokechin:

BDO cheating cunts :shakefist:



Well Sid?

What the hell is that famous brand Winmau up to with these 50 % thinner wires? :lol:

He’s a bullshitting cunt :lol:

It will be comical over the next few days watching him desperately attempt to polish the turd that is the BDO.

So from carryharry’s picture of the Winmau board and Sandymount Red’s agreeing with his post, it seems the pdc supporters now finally acknowledge that the BDO is the true professional level of darts. :clap:


Yeah, that’s what i intended Sid.

No quite Rain Man.

Your original post was so full of obvious bullshit that the most diehard BDO fan would wince if he read it.

A short preview I completed for the sport section of my work intranet. It’s a light-hearted piece where I acknowledge some of the jibes of dissenters like Flano, Dunph et al. Christ, I can’t fucking wait for Saturday.

Unfortunately the great game of darts was sullied once more by the tawdry scenes at “Ally Pally” on Tuesday night with Phil Taylor crowned fake world champion in front of a baying mob of “Oi Oi Oi” shouting, BNP voting, racist hooligans.

But the road to rehabilitation and redemption will commence on Saturday at The Lakeside. Yes, the real world championships get underway at the spiritual home of darts at the weekend and we even have Wexford representation this year in Jason Cullen.

Sure the 3-dart averages may be 30 points lower (or more) than rival darting organisations and the sponsors may hand out “41” rather than “180” signs for the knowledgeable crowd to display and wave but that’s caused by the fiery furnace of the Lakeside stage - and certainly not a talent deficit.

For example, golf holes are the exact same size and circumference (broadly like dart boards), but someone who shoots 67 in Wexford Golf Club is unlikely to repeat that feat at Augusta National.

Similarly, all sorts of pricks can throw 180s in the fake darts on Sky Sports but could they repeat those scores under the glare of the lights at The Lakeside with history weighing on their tense shoulders? Could they fuck! Apples and oranges, my friends.

All I know is the BDO world darts championship is the original and best version and to me it remains and will always remain the one and only version. I don’t dare to make any predictions other than declaring my expectation that, unlike the tramps in “Ally Pally”, the Lakeside crowd will display the very best of order at all times. It truly promises to be 9 days of darting heaven and I’ll be following the action live for my other employer www.thefreekick.com.

My one wish is that The Lakeside stage doesn’t destroy any player in the manner it did the unfortunate Tony Fleet back on that fateful January evening in 2010. If you didn’t know, Fleety in 27 darts scored 26, 41, 60, 60, 5, 41 (with his first dart hitting double 1), 22, 80 and 11 - all the while dropping darts on the floor and swaying uncontrollably on the oche.

It’s widely considered to be the worst leg in the proud history of darts and, in fact, the only reason he managed to stop at 27 was because the great Martin “Wolfie” Adams clinically stepped in and claimed the leg after chucking a mere 26 astute and deadly accurate arrows himself!

But, like I said, that sort of shit can happen at The Lakeside and I’ve attached the video for you to enjoy!

All that remains is to ask: LADIES & GENTLEMEN, ARE YOU READY?

You are? Okay then - LET’S PLAY DARTS!


5:43 where Fleety stubbles is the best moment.

Tempted to go to this farce so i can laugh and heckle from the audience and have a sign saying something insulting. Maybe i will go. :strokechin:


You can visibly see that his beard is longer at the end of the leg than it was at the start.

He wasn’t so fleet of foot when he almost fell over.

But there was redemption for him, albeit at a much lower level. It was great to see him winning the pdc’s Australian Matchplay title a little over a year later.


Indeed. Nice to see Fleety in the winner’s enclosure when he stepped down to PDC level.

One. More. Sleep.

Rocko, can we get a Wolfie Adams smiley please?

that was a fair summing up by The Great Leader, Kim Il-Bandage. Anybody who disagrees knows sweet fuck all about the ancient game of darts and should be terminated


I can guarantee you right now that the following inane chants will not be heard at The Lakeside:

“Boring, boring tables!”

“We’re at the tables…we’ll sing when we want,
We’ll sing when we want, we’ll sing when we want,
We’re at the tables…we’ll sing when we want.”

“Stand up if you love your darts”

Yes in fairness he did well to navigate his way through a tournament containing such luminaries as Dave Littleboy and Jeremy Fagg.